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Sugar (2/3) rsadelle November 3 2014, 16:24:13 UTC
On Wednesday, one of Segs' rare full days off, they go shopping.

"You don't need any more clothes," Tyler chirps lightly. "Have you seen our closet?"

"I'm not buying clothes for me," Segs says. "Unless I see something I like." He presses a kiss to Tyler's cheek. "I'm buying clothes for you. You need something new and pretty to go with the watch."

Tyler's cheeks burn a little at the pretty descriptor, but he follows Segs from store to store and tries on everything Segs suggests.

"Those," Segs says definitively about one pair of jeans. "Your ass," he says almost dreamily.

Tyler's cheeks burn again, but the very professional saleswoman helping them doesn't even blink. She definitely earns her commission.

Tyler has the jeans, a pair of slacks, three button downs, two T-shirts, and a pair of shoes by the time they're done.

He changes when they get home, into the jeans and one of the T-shirts, still wearing his watch, and he can feel Segs' eyes on him as he comes down the stairs.

They take the dogs for a walk, ambling through the neighborhood and saying hello to the neighbors they pass.

The sun glints off of Tyler's watch.

Tyler shoos the dogs into the backyard when they get home from their walk, not able to wait any longer, and fucks Segs over the back of the couch.

"Oh, yeah," Segs says afterward, still slumped over the couch. "That's the way, baby."

Tyler pulls out of him and nuzzles at the thin skin behind his ear. "Thanks for the shopping trip."

Segs turns his head and smiles at Tyler. "Gotta keep you in style."

He's definitely doing that.


Sugar (3/3) rsadelle November 3 2014, 16:24:28 UTC
On Friday, Tyler goes down to meet Segs after the game and hangs around with everyone else waiting for the team to be done.

"New watch?" Jessica asks.

"Yep." Tyler holds it up so she can see it.


Tyler acknowledges that with a nod, and they chat a little until Jordie comes out of the locker room.

"Hey, babe," Jordie says as he bends down to kiss Jessica. "What's up, man?" He catches Tyler in a bro hug.

"Not much," Tyler says. "Nice game out there."

"Yeah," Jordie says. "Your boy and my brother are making the rest of us work hard to keep up with them."

Tyler smiles a little. "Yeah, I can see that."

"We're getting out of here," Jordie says, throwing one arm around Jessica's shoulders. "Catch you later."

Tyler says goodbye to them and hangs around a little longer, until Segs and Jamie come out of the locker room together.

"Now I see why you wanted a ride to the rink but not home," Jamie says. He clasps Tyler's hand and pulls him into half a hug.

"Yep," Segs says cheerfully. He moves to Tyler's side as soon as Jamie lets go, pressing so close Tyler can feel the heat radiating off of him through his suit.

"Is that the present Segs couldn't stop talking about buying you?" Jamie asks.

"Yeah." Tyler holds up his wrist so Jamie can see his watch.

"Nice," Jamie says.

"Gotta treat him right," Segs says.

"I can see you're doing that," Jamie says. He fistbumps Segs. "Have a good night." For a mild-mannered guy, Jamie's good at implying all kinds of filthy things.

Not that he's wrong. Segs is all over Tyler when they get home. They let the dogs out into the backyard and stay in the doorway making out and feeling each other up until Segs whistles sharply for the dogs, closes the door with all of them on the inside, and drags Tyler up the stairs.

"I wanna fuck you," Segs says, pushing Tyler into the wall at the top of the stairs and taking his mouth.

"Yeah, fuck yeah," Tyler says when Segs lets him talk again.

They careen into the bedroom, both of them half out of their clothes already.

Tyler keeps his watch on and he can feel the hard metal of it pressing into his wrist when Segs puts his hands over Tyler's while he fucks into him.

They're loud, both of them, and Tyler crashes hard onto the mattress after they've both come and Segs stops holding him up with one hand and his dick.

"Fuck," Tyler says, long and slow. His head is turned to the side so he can breathe, and he knows what time it is because he can see his watch, precisely ticking away the seconds.

Segs reaches over him and takes his watch off, drops it onto the nightstand like it's nothing.

Segs lifts Tyler's wrist and kisses one of the spots where his watch left a red mark. "Feel good?"

"Mmhmm, yeah," Tyler says.

"Good," Segs says. He kisses Tyler's wrist again. "You look so good in that watch I got you."

Tyler gathers up the energy to turn over, so he can pull Segs down to kiss him. "You take good care of me."

"Yeah, I do," Segs says, and he manages to look both sweet and smug at the same time.

Tyler makes a mock disgusted noise. "Stop gloating and go to sleep."

Segs laughs, bright and delighted, and kisses Tyler for a while. They're both smiling soft and happy by the time they settle down to sleep, and Tyler rewards Segs for it by getting up and letting the dogs in to sleep with them.

"You're so good to me, baby," Segs says when Tyler and the dogs are settled in around him.

"Always will be," Tyler promises.


On Saturday, Tyler wakes Segs up with pancakes, blows him outside by the pool after breakfast, and makes sure his bag is packed before he has to leave for a one-game road trip to Chicago.

"Thanks, baby," Segs says. He kisses Tyler, one hand roaming down to squeeze Tyler's ass.

Tyler follows Segs to the door when Jamie honks from outside.

Segs kisses him again, pressed up against the wall. "I'll miss you."

"Me too." Tyler presses a quick kiss to Segs' lips. "Love you."

Outside, Jamie honks more insistently.

"Love you too." Segs gropes Tyler's ass again, before he smirks at him and grabs the handle of his suitcase.

Tyler waves at Jamie from the doorway, and waves again, at Segs, before they pull out of the driveway.

Tyler's watch is heavy on his wrist, grounding, and it catches the light as he pulls the door shut.


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