WIP Amnesty: Danny/Claude/Ryanne, Ryanne and Anna become BFFs (3800 words, Explicit)

Mar 27, 2014 07:41

The idea for this was that Ryanne can go back and forth between Montreal and Philly, and while in Montreal, she becomes friends with Anna.

"I was thinking about going shopping while I'm here," Ryanne says. She has a credit card that Danny and Claude take turns paying for.

"There's-" Danny starts to say, but Ryanne shakes her head.

"I love you-" he knows that, but it's still a thrill every time she says it to him - "but I need a girl's advice for this."

Danny kisses her cheek. "I can see if the guys know anyone."

Ryanne smiles brightly at him. "Thank you."


After practice, Danny goes looking for Chucky. "I have a friend in town." he says. "She wants to go shopping. Would Anna be willing to give her some advice about where to go?"

Chucky looks at him skeptically. "A friend." He peers around Danny. "Did one of the guys put you up to this?"

"No." Not that Danny's never been party to a prank, but he wouldn't get involved in the sort of thing Chucky obviously thinks this might be. "Look, I'll give you Ryanne's number, and you can give it to Anna."

Chucky only looks slightly happier with that, but he hands over his phone for Danny to give him Ryanne's number.

If it doesn't work, he can always ask Prusty about Maripier.


Ryanne's phone rings, later, when she's making dinner. She frowns at it and hands the spatula to Danny. "Don't let anything burn," she says as she walks away and picks up her phone.

It's something Danny's been tasked with before, and he knows she won't leave him there long enough to irrevocably ruin dinner. (It happened once; Ryanne and Claude are more careful now when they leave Danny in charge of food.)

Ryanne comes back with a smile and goes up on her toes to kiss Danny. "You got me a shopping date."

Danny smiles and gives the spatula back to her. "Did I?"

"Yes, you did." Ryanne stirs their dinner a little, probably making sure he didn't ruin it in the five minutes she was gone. "Anna and I are going tomorrow."

"Good." Danny steps up behind her, wraps an arm around her waist, and kisses the back of her neck.


Ryanne said she might be gone all day, so Danny isn't necessarily expecting her to be home when he gets back from the rink. Her boots are in the entryway, though, and her coat is in the closet, so he calls her name.

"In here."

Danny follows the sound of her voice to the bedroom. He doesn't know what he's expecting, but it's not what he gets: Ryanne, standing in the middle of the bedroom in some kind of gauzy pink thing that hangs from straps over her shoulders, thin enough that he can see her nipples and the line of the slightly darker pink panties she has on under it.

"I told Anna," she says, stretching a little, making the cloth drag over her skin, "that I wanted to buy something to surprise my boyfriend with." She holds up her hands. "Surprise."

Danny groans and fumbles his phone out of his pocket. It takes him a moment to steady his hands enough to take a picture that doesn't include her face, just in case, and send it to Claude. Then he turns off his phone, strips as fast as he can, and crosses the room to Ryanne.

"Do you like it?" Ryanne asks.

She laughs when Danny almost picks her up off the ground when he kisses her. Her laugh slides down into a moan when he also uses it as an opportunity to slip a hand under the gauzy thing and grab her ass. He keeps his hand there and steps back half a step so he can bend down and suck on one of her nipples through the cloth.

"I guess you like it," Ryanne murmurs. She tugs at his shoulders. "The bed is, like, a foot away."

Danny picks her up, because he can, one arm around her back, the other under her ass, and carries her the foot to the bed. "I like it," he says.

She stretches on the bed, showing off for him, and he runs his hand up the inside of her leg, following the long line of her skin. It puts him in the perfect position to push her thighs apart and nudge the gauzy fabric up above her hips.

He doesn't take off her panties, leans in and licks her through them instead. She's not wet enough to soak through them yet, but she's wet enough for him to smell her. He keeps licking her until his mouth is going dry and Ryanne's tugging at his hair asking for more.

Danny has to move all the way out from between her legs as he draws her panties off, and he gets up when he does, so he can get a condom from the nightstand.

"Want me to leave this on?"

Danny looks at her, spread out on the bed in just the gauzy top, nipples standing out against it, hips and legs bare. "Yes," he says.

Ryanne reaches for him, and he finally notices her nails, painted the same pale pink as what she's wearing. He takes her hand and kisses her fingers.

She smiles softly and wiggles her fingers. "Mani-pedis too."

Danny looks down, and her toenails are painted the same pale pink. "Beautiful," he tells her, and she really is, her cheeks flushing darker than the pink she's wearing, everything about her soft and easy, waiting for him.

Danny rolls the condom on, squeezing the base of his dick while he does so he doesn't come yet.

"Wait," Ryanne says. "Here." She pushes Danny to kneel on the bed and straddles him, sliding slowly down onto his cock. "There," she says, putting her hands on the back of his head. "Now you can-"

He doesn't need her to finish the sentence, bends down a little to kiss the bare skin of her chest, then farther down, over the cloth covering the curve of her breast, down to draw one of her nipples in between his lips.

Ryanne gasps and shifts on him, shifts every time he moves or changes the suction. It's not enough to get either of them off, not yet, but it feels good, and Danny has enough patience to wait for a while.

It's Ryanne who gets impatient, grabbing at him and grinding her hips against him. She tangles her hands in his hair and pulls him up from her breasts to make him kiss her.

Danny wraps one arm around her back to hold her steady while he thrusts up into her. Ryanne catches onto his rhythm after a moment, and they move hard against each other.

Danny's patience is going to give way soon, so he gets his hand between them and finds Ryanne's clit. She moans into his mouth, and he does what he can to make her make that same sound over and over again.

He's so close to coming, but he wants her to come first, and he works for it, they both do, and Danny can feel Ryanne start to come even before he hears her breathless moan.

It feels amazing, and he thrusts up into her twice more and comes with a moan of his own.

They stay there, stroking each other's hair and kissing, until Danny has to lift her off his lap and deal with the condom.

Ryanne's lying down when Danny comes back into the bedroom, stretched out on the bed in a way that shows off both the way she looks in the gauzy thing she's still wearing and how obviously she's just been fucked.

Danny lies down on his side next to her, where he can look at her, and slides his hand up her stomach, watching the way he can see it through the thin, pink fabric.

"Was this supposed to be a surprise for Claude too? Did I ruin the surprise by sending him a picture?"

"No," Ryanne says. "It would clash with his hair. This one's all yours."

Danny doesn't often mind the difference in their ages, but right now, he wishes he could get it up again a lot sooner than he's going to be able to.


[This would need a sex scene from the night before, when Claude and Ryanne take advantage of one of Claude's days off and fly up to Montreal.]


"Why are you awake?" Claude asks when Ryanne wakes them both up in the morning.

"We're having brunch with Anna."

Claude groans and pushes weakly at Danny's shoulder. "This is all your fault. You introduced them."

Danny pushes his face into the pillow. He really doesn't want to get up yet either, even though he's the one who has to go to practice later. "She would have made a friend somehow. This one understands hockey."

"And she's great," Ryanne says. "One of you has to get up and shower now."

Danny holds out a hand and they rock-paper-scissors for it. Claude loses, and Danny smiles smugly at him before he closes his eyes and turns back into the pillow. It's not enough time to really fall asleep before Claude nudges him awake again.

Claude's in just a towel, and Danny presses a sleepy kiss to his shoulder on his way to the bathroom.

They're both capable of being up and showered in very little time, even when they're exhausted, so it's only a few minutes later that Danny pulls a hoodie over his t-shirt and goes out to find Claude and Ryanne already waiting for him in the living room.

"Good, you're ready to go." Ryanne bounces up off the couch and leans up to kiss Danny. Claude also stops to kiss him before they all get their shoes and coats.

"Keys," Ryanne says, holding out her hand.

Danny drops his car keys into it. Normally he would offer to drive, but not when he's so tired and Ryanne's the only one who knows where they're going. He assumes she knows where they're going.

The drive gives them a little bit of a chance to wake up some more, and he and Claude are both more or less fit for the company of other human beings by the time Ryanne parks and leads them into a restaurant. Ryanne pauses inside, and then leads them across the floor to a half-occupied table.

"Hi!" Anna gets up from the table and meets them in the aisle. She and Ryanne catch each other up in a hug complete with a rapid exchange of greetings.

"You probably know Danny," Ryanne says.

"Only kind of." Anna smiles and shakes his hand.

"And this is Claude."

Anna smiles just as brightly at Claude, and then turns and introduces Ryanne and Claude to Alex and Brendan. They're very polite, and they give Danny a half-handshake half-hug before the six of them settle around the table.

The hovering waitress steps up once they're sitting down, and smiles at Danny and Claude's nearly desperate requests for coffee and Ryanne's cheerful order of a mimosa.

Alex says something to Anna in what Danny's pretty sure is Russian; all he catches is Claude's name. She says something sharp back, also in Russian, and then, "It's rude to speak in a language no one else can understand."

"If it gets too annoying," Ryanne says, "I'll just talk to these two in French."

"We've been working on our French," Brendan says. "Alex is better at it than me."

Alex looks insufferably smug about it.

"You should have said," Danny says. "I can help you."

Ryanne reaches across Claude and pats Danny's arm. "You should take him up on that. He doesn't know what to do with himself if he's not teaching someone something."

"You'll learn real Quebecois from him," Claude says.

They talk about that, and about hockey, while Anna and Ryanne have their own conversation at the other end of the table. Alex loosens up after a little bit, and Claude gets friendlier once his coffee kicks in.

It's a good brunch, overall, and they spill out onto the sidewalk afterwards, Ryanne and Anna with their arms hooked through each other.

"We're going shopping," Ryanne announces. "Can we take your car?"

Danny checks the time on his phone. "I was going to go to the rink in an hour and a half."

Alex and Brendan look at each other for a moment.

"We can drive you," Brendan says.

"Perfect," Ryanne says. "Danny has the Xbox set up. You can hang out before you have to go to practice, and then you can just leave Claude there." She smiles at all of them and leans up to kiss Danny's cheek - as much as they can get away with in public - and then kisses Claude for real.

The girls head for Danny's car, and Danny and Claude go with Alex and Brendan. Alex cedes the front seat to Danny so he can give Brendan directions.

"You play Xbox?" Brendan asks Danny.

"Not very well," Danny says with a laugh. "It's mostly for the kids when they come up."

Claude leans forward from the back to put his hand on Danny's shoulder. "They taught him how to use the headset, so he can play with them instead of feeling lonely all the time."

"I'm not lonely all the time," Danny says. He has friends in Montreal, and hockey takes up a lot of time.

Claude squeezes his shoulder; he knows enough about how lonely Danny is some of the time.

Danny and Claude let Alex and Brendan choose a game, and Danny makes them all protein shakes to drink while they play.

Danny makes them stop when it's time to go, and he can almost see Alex and Brendan fighting not to protest. They decide not to be rebellious teenagers, though, and say goodbye to Claude.

For his part, Danny squeezes Claude's shoulder and says, "I'll be back later."

Claude puts his hand over Danny's for a moment. "I'll be here, unless Ryanne drags me out somewhere else." He doesn't say he'll be in Danny's bed, but that's where Danny expects he'll spend most of the day.

Their arrival at the rink causes more comment than Danny would have thought.

"You two are never here this early," PK says to Alex and Brendan when he gets there.

"We were with Danny," Brendan says.

"What's your secret?" Prusty asks. "I could never get them here this early."

Danny shrugs. "They were my ride."

"What happened to your car?" Carey asks.

"Ryanne and Anna took it."

There are a lot of blank looks.

"I think you need to start telling this story from the beginning," PK says.

"Chucky's sister's new friend is Claude Giroux's girlfriend," Brendan says, complete with his ever-present grin.

PK looks like he's thinking about saying something about that, but he throws a look at Alex first, and instead says, "G's in town?"

"Just until tomorrow," Danny says.

"Tell him he'd better get a beer with me next time he's here."

Danny agrees to do that, and that seems to be the end of the conversation. No one brings up Claude or the girls until after practice when Brendan stops by Danny's stall and asks, "Do you need a ride?"

Danny checks his phone, and says, "Yes, if you don't mind. Anna and Ryanne are still shopping."

Brendan shrugs. "It's not that far out of the way."

It actually is, but it's a nice gesture. Danny insists Alex take the front seat, and he tries not to doze off in the back. He thanks Brendan for the ride when he drops him off, and waves at Alex and Brendan as he walks to the door.

Claude is, as Danny expected, in his bed, although he's half sitting up watching TV instead of sleeping.

Danny strips and crawls in next to him.

Claude holds out half a grilled cheese he has on a plate next to him.

"You're going to get crumbs in my bed," Danny says, but he takes a bite. They share the rest of it, and then Danny closes his eyes and turns to rest his forehead against Claude's hip.

Claude rubs his hand over Danny's hair. "Napping to keep up with us, eh?"

"Last time they went shopping, she came home with lingerie."

Claude's hand stills for a moment. "Napping," he says, and he turns off the TV and lies down with Danny.


Ryanne and Anna have their arms linked and are hanging out with Angela and Maripier when Danny goes looking for Ryanne after the game. Ryanne leans up and kisses Danny's cheek without letting go of Anna.

"Beautiful goal," she says.

"Dirty goal," Danny says, "but it got the job done."

"Are you hungry?" Anna asks. "The Gallys will be starving, and Maripier is making arrangements for dinner."

Danny does need to eat, probably more than he needs to take Ryanne home and celebrate the win. "Yes."

"Danny B joining the party," PK says as he joins the group. Then he turns his smile on Ryanne. "Hi, I'm PK."


"Oh, Claude's Ryanne," PK says. "You here keeping Danny company?" He elbows Danny unnecessarily.

"We don't want him getting too lonely," Ryanne says. There's the slightest edge of a smirk to her smile that probably no one else knows her well enough to see.

Alex and Brendan join them, and Alex says, "Are we going?" to Anna. "I'm starving."

PK laughs. "You're not starving. We're just waiting for Prusty to fix his hair."

"Oh," Alex says, looking around. "Are we all going?"

"Yes," Anna says.

"Cool," Brendan says with his ever-present smile. "Hi, Ryanne."

There's a bit of small talk while they wait for Prusty, and then Maripier makes sure everyone who's driving knows where they're going.

Anna rides with Danny and Ryanne, so they can't even hold hands in the car. They do sit together when they get to the restaurant, and Ryanne brushes her hand over Danny's thigh under the table even though she mostly talks to Anna, Alex, and Brendan.

Danny mostly chats with Prusty and Maripier, and he joins Maripier in chirping PK for his pronunciation when he tries to speak French.

"Man," PK says, "I thought you were supposed to be the nice one." He looks at Ryanne. "Why would you want to come hang out with this guy?"

"He's very nice to me," Ryanne says with a totally straight face. "It must be something about you that brings that out in him."

PK claps his hands over his heart. "Ouch." He nudges Carey. "Pricey, are you hearing this?"

Carey says, "Yep."

"You're supposed to be on my side! Man, D-men and goalies have to stick together."

That part of the conversation devolves into friendly chirping that no one but PK and Carey needs to be involved with.

Ryanne turns away from the conversation toward Anna's laugh.

"You're good at that," Anna says.

"I've had plenty of practice," Ryanne says. She smiles at Danny. "We team up against Claude."

Alex's forehead wrinkles into a confused frown. "You two team up against Claude?"

"Danny's very calm," Ryanne says. "Claude's more excitable."

Even Brendan looks at them oddly, but then PK and Carey's conversation spills over into the rest of the table, and attention shifts away from Danny and Ryanne for the time being. It doesn't come back to them until they're all gathered on the sidewalk outside.

"You should come," Anna says to Ryanne. "We can go dancing."

Ryanne leans against Danny's side, and he automatically puts an arm around her shoulders, even though he probably shouldn't do that in such a public place.

"It's not that I don't want to," she says. "I was traveling all day, and then the game, and I'm really tired. Before I leave, though. We'll go. Promise." She pushes away from Danny to exchange hugs with Anna and the rest of the group.

They separate into smaller groups, some going out, other people going home, PK bullying Carey and Angela into giving him a ride. Danny and Ryanne split off to where Danny parked the car. Danny drives them home, and they hold hands at the stop lights.

Danny takes Ryanne's coat when they get inside the house, and hangs it up with his. Ryanne unwinds her scarf from around her neck and hands that to him to hang up too. Then she wraps her arms around him and kisses him.

It's more than a little hello kiss. It's a deep, serious kiss.

"I thought you wanted to go to bed," Danny says.

"No," Ryanne says, half a smirk on her face. "Just the couch." She pushes him in that direction, making him walk backwards while she undoes his belt. "You deserve a blowjob for that goal."

Danny takes the distance at a slow enough pace that she can keep up with him even while getting his pants open. When they reach the couch, Ryanne tugs his pants and boxer briefs down to his thighs. Danny sits, and Ryanne kneels in front of him without either of them bothering to get his pants the rest of the way off.

Danny doesn't get hard as fast as he used to, but Ryanne knows that just as well as he does, and she coaxes him all the way there with her hands and mouth. And, if he's being honest, with the way she looks kneeling at his feet, hair tossed over one shoulder so it's out of her way and he can see her face as she sucks at the head of his cock.

She sucks more than that once he's fully hard, wrapping her hand around the base of his cock and taking the rest of him into her mouth. The advantage to age is that it takes him longer to come now, and he gets to enjoy the blowjob for a while before he taps Ryanne's cheek in warning that he's about to come.

Ryanne doesn't move away, keeps sucking him, looking up at him while he comes in her mouth. She swallows, licks her lips after she slowly draws her mouth off of him.

Danny sinks back against the couch and pulls at Ryanne's shoulder until she comes up to sit on his lap. She straddles him at first, kissing him deeply. She tastes like come.

Danny shifts her so she's sitting sideways across his lap. He gets her pants open and slides his hand into her panties. He keeps his other arm around her waist so she won't fall, and she bends down to keep kissing him while he finds her clit with his fingers. He knows he's there when she gasps into his mouth.

He rubs her clit fast and hard, kissing her back when she kisses him, watching her when she pulls away from his mouth, until she shudders and comes, slows down her frantic rocking against his hand. They kiss slowly again and again and again, until Danny takes his hand out of Ryanne's panties and she leans her forehead against his.

"That was supposed to be your reward," she says.

He looks at her, cheeks flushed, eyes dark, lips swollen. "It was."


[Eventually the Gallys start being a little weird with Danny, kind of stand-offish, and then they finally confront him because they've figured out he's sleeping with Ryanne and they can't believe he's sleeping with his best friend's girlfriend. So then Danny has to explain that they're in a threesome, which makes the Gallys confused and then reluctantly impressed. Danny tells them they can't talk to anyone else about it, except Anna who already knows because Ryanne told her.]

fic: real person slash, danny briere, fic: het, fic: real person het, fic: slash, never-finished fic, anna galchenyuk, claude giroux, 31 days of fic, hockey, danny briere/claude giroux/ryanne, fic by me

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