WIP Amnesty: girl!Danny/Claude (3000 words, Explicit)

Mar 19, 2014 08:16

Original plot bunny:

Possible girl!Danny setup: Claude has watched hockey all his life, and more Flyers hockey since he got drafted by them, so it's not like he doesn't know who Dani Briere is. But knowing who she is and meeting her in person are two different things. It's not that she's totally nice when she welcomes him to the team, although she is. It's that in person and in casual clothes instead of hockey gear Dani Briere is beautiful. She has a soft face, sweet smile, hair that falls to her shoulders to frame her face, and her clothes do nothing to hide the curve of her hips, the swell of her breasts.

Later, they become friends. He goes to talk to her sometimes, not because she's beautiful, although he does like to look at her, but more because sometimes he just wants to talk to someone in French.

The first time she invites him over for dinner with her and the boys, she warns him, "Don't expect a home cooked meal. I don't cook."


That story from yesterday made me think about Claude and girl!Danny, but mostly tiny bits. Like them meeting at training camp, but Claude's not making it onto the team this year, and Dani's wearing a wedding ring. Still, they chat a little bit, and it's good to talk to someone in French when everything else is a little strange and new.

When he's with the Phantoms, someone brings it up, something about how Dani is hot. Claude says, "She's like ten years older, and she's married," and he shuts it down when one of the guys keeps talking about her. Still, Claude knows himself well enough to know that if she weren't a possible teammate and she weren't married, he probably would have made a move.


Much later: Dani basically throws a temper tantrum in a closed practice, ready to go, gloves off, with one of the guys. Laviolette throws her out of practice for the day, which has to sting. If Claude were feeling the way it looks like she is, he would want to just skate until he could forget it. Claude's not the only one watching her go; so is Richie, probably doing whatever captainy thing he does.

Claude tries texting her later, asks if she's okay, but doesn't get an answer.

She's calmed down a bit by the next day's practice, and Coach doesn't punish her for it any more than he already has.

Dani brushes Claude off when he tries to ask in person if she's okay, and she's calmer but she's not calm, and she's not playing well.

Claude doesn't always pay attention to the chatter in the locker room, but he tunes in when one of the guys says, "What the fuck is up with Dani B? I'd think she was on the rag, but it's been going on for too long for that."

"Knock it off," Richie says.

"Oh, the Captain's on top of it." It is in no way said in a voice that believes it.

"What Richie's trying not to say," Dani says from the doorway - Claude and most of the room turn to look at her. She's coming from the showers, hair still wet, feet bare, just a towel around her. She should look vulnerable and small, but she doesn't. She looks tough. "- is that my husband left me and we're fighting over custody. Now you can shut the fuck up about it and get back to your own fucking lives." It's more than Claude has ever heard her swear.

With Richie adding a glare to it, everyone does shut up about it.

Claude stops by her locker on his way out, and squeezes her shoulder because he thinks they're good enough friends that he can get away with it. "I'm sorry."

She nods and doesn't look up.


Even later: Dani hardly ever goes out, mostly spends evenings they're home with the boys, but they're with their dad and most of the team is going out, so Claude's not all that surprised when they get to the bar and Dani presses her keys into his hand. "You're the designated driver," she says.

Claude gets himself a beer and drinks it slowly. Dani's not dressed up, exactly, but she's wearing jeans that mold to her ass and a top that shows off more cleavage than she usually does. She splits her time between hanging out with the guys and chatting - flirting - with anyone else who comes up to her.

Hartsy leans on the bar next to Claude. "You could hit that," he says, gesturing at Dani with his drink.

Claude shakes his head. "She got divorced last year." It's more than that. Even if he could, he picks her kids up from school sometimes. He's not going to just have a one-night stand with her.

Hartsy looks at him for a long moment. "You know, she spent the summer partying with Carts. I'm pretty sure she's gotten the rebound fuck out of her system by now." Hartsy points his drink at Claude. "I'm just saying."

Claude rolls his eyes. "You're always just saying. Doesn't ever mean anything."

Hartsy leans in close and says, "She asked you to move in." He claps Claude on the shoulder and heads across the bar.

Claude half-expects Dani to hook up and go home with someone else, but when the party starts breaking up, she makes her way through the bar to Claude and smiles up at him, softer and more relaxed than he usually sees her.

"Come on, Claude Giroux," she says, hooking her arm through his. "Take me home."


Claude locks the door behind them, and by the time he's kicked his shoes off, Dani is halfway up the stairs and pulling her shirt off over her head.

Claude gets stuck for a moment, staring at the fabric of her bra stretched across her back, the straps going up and over her shoulders.

Dani turns her head, looks down over her shoulder at him. "Are you coming?"

Claude blinks, drags his eyes up from the dip between her breasts to her face.

She pops the button on her jeans, drawing his gaze down again.

Claude turns his head, squeezes his eyes shut like he'll ever be able to forget what she looks like right now. "Dani, that's not a good idea."

Everything seems to hang in silence for a moment, until Dani says his name, and he turns to look at her.

"I'm drunk," she says, "not incompetent. I'm going to be very disappointed if you don't come to bed with me."

Claude shakes his head. "You're not- You could have picked someone up if you wanted."

"I didn't," Dani says. "I want you."

"And tomorrow?" Claude makes himself meet her eyes when he asks it.

"Tomorrow," she says, coming a few steps down the stairs, "you wake up in my bed and it's going to be the only time we get to have sex all week because then we have to pick up the boys and we're home this week."

Claude's breath hitches. "You want-"

"I don't bring one-night stands home, and I don't let them raise my boys." Dani unzips her jeans, steps out of them, and turns around to go up the stairs. Claude doesn't usually let himself look, but her ass is amazing.

He's up the stairs, moving fast enough to put his hands on her hips before she gets to the top. "Dani," he says, and he presses his forehead to the center of her back.

She turns, so he's looking right at her breasts, curves pale over the top of her black bra. "I really want to have sex with you," she says, "and you're wasting time." She tugs at his shirt, and he lets go of her to let her pull it over his head and drop it behind him.

She turns again, heads up the stairs.

Claude palms his cock through his jeans, then unbuttons them, unzips them, steps out of them as he follows Dani up the stairs to her room.

She's turned on the light by the time he gets there, waiting for him in the soft glow of a lamp. She has to go up on her toes to kiss him, and he hitches her up with one hand under the curve of her ass to make it easier. It takes them a minute to get it right, find the way they fit together, and then it's all heat and want.

Dani's too heavy, solid muscle from hockey and conditioning, for Claude to hold her up for long. He lets her down, bends to keep the kiss.

Dani pushes him onto the bed, leaves him there while she pulls out the drawer of the nightstand and comes up with the silver wrapper of a condom packet. She drops it on his chest and slides her underwear off.

She says, "You're wasting time again."

Claude squirms out of his boxer-briefs, kicks them to the floor, and tears open the condom wrapper.

Dani stands, hands on her hips, and watches him roll the condom down his cock. It's one of the hottest things that's ever happened to him, and then she climbs onto the bed, straddles him, and slides down onto his cock.

Claude has to close his eyes to keep from coming right then and there. When he opens them, Dani's smirking down at him, smug and a little wicked.

Claude gets a little of his own back when he reaches around her to unhook her bra, pushes it out of the way to cup her breasts.

She makes a sound, a tiny, helpless, turned-on noise, and starts to move, rocking into his hips.

Claude gasps, too turned on for anything more than putting his hands over her hips and moving with her.

It doesn't last long, not for Claude, and Dani scowls at him when he pushes her off after he comes because it's too much on his oversensitive cock.

Claude strips off the condom, drops it into the trash can next to the bed, and kisses Dani. "A woman like you," he says, sliding a hand down her side, "has to have a vibrator."

She's still scowling at him. "What does that mean?"

Claude kisses down her neck, flicks his tongue over one of her nipples. "You don't seem like the type to wait for someone else to do something you could do for yourself."

"Because they waste time," Dani says with a growl. She pushes him away. "Dresser in the closet. Second drawer down."

The second drawer down is her underwear drawer, and Claude has to push through everything else - he knows that's lace sliding against his hand there somewhere - to get to the vibrator at the back.

He turns it on, gets used to what he can do with it, while he walks back to the bed. He doesn't waste any more time, lies down next to Dani and brings the vibrator down between her legs.

Her irritation melts away, her face going slack with pleasure, while he twists the base to turn it up, moves it around until she grabs his wrist to keep it where she wants it.

Claude watches her face as she comes, the heave of her chest, the tremble in her thighs.

She uses the hand still on his wrist to pull his hand away, and he turns off the vibrator, drops it on the nightstand, leans over to kiss her.

"Good?" he asks.

Dani smiles at him, hair damp with sweat around the edges of her face, and still as beautiful as the first time he met her. "I'm not going to kick you out of my bed now that I've finally got you in it."

Claude stares at her. "How much time have I been wasting?"

Dani puts her hands on either side of his face. "Not that much." She kisses him, softly, then lets go and curls into him, arranging them together in the bed. "Get the light," she murmurs.

Claude's close enough to turn the lamp off without letting go of her. He's still a little stunned that all of this is happening.

"Stop thinking," Dani mumbles in the dark. "I'm serious about tomorrow being the only time we get to have sex this week. Rest up for it."

Claude barely keeps the words "I love you" inside. "Tomorrow," he says instead, "I'm going to rock your world."

Dani lets out a sleepy chuckle. "You didn't do so bad tonight."


Claude wakes up before Dani and takes a moment to look at her and remind himself that last night was real. He's hard, morning and Dani having an effect on his body. He watches her wake up, slight stretch of her body, eyes opening, soft smile on her face when she sees him.

She presses her lips to his jaw, runs her hand down and around his hip to his cock. "Condom." Her voice comes out low and scratchy.

Claude's breath hitches, and he nips at her neck before he gets a condom from the nightstand.

Dani's stopped touching him, has her hand moving leisurely between her own legs instead.

Claude rolls the condom on, lets Dani arrange them, arms and legs twined together, and guide Claude into her. She sighs into it, closes her eyes as they move together slowly.

Claude reaches over to the nightstand for the vibrator still sitting there and brings it down between them. He keeps it on the lowest setting and presses it to Dani's body.

Her groan shudders through both of them, but she doesn't try to force him into anything more than that, so he keeps rocking softly into her, keeps the vibrator where it is. Dani presses her face to his neck, her breath puffing warm and damp onto his skin.

She murmurs his name, soft and familiar, vowels slurring together.

It's enough to push Claude from their easy rocking into something more urgent. He clicks the vibrator up a level, lets his own movements become more frantic. Still, it's an easy fall into orgasm for both of them.

They spend a moment pressed together, just breathing, before Claude drops the vibrator on the nightstand and the condom into the trash.

Dani pulls him close. "Go back to sleep," she says. "We don't have to get the boys until later."

Claude doesn't sleep, but he dozes, breathes in Dani's sleep- and sex-warmed skin until she wakes up again and smiles at him.

"Good morning," she says.

"Morning," Claude says. He brushes his hand over her cheek.

Dani stretches, rubs her leg against Claude's. "That was good earlier, but you still have to rock my world."

Claude kisses her, disregarding their sour breath, and rolls them, so she's on her back with him over her. "How much time do we have?"

Dani glances at the clock on the nightstand. "Enough."

Claude kisses the side of her neck, skims over her collar bones. He draws the sheet down as he goes, kisses over the curves of her breasts, flicks his tongue over both of her nipples.

Dani slides her hand into his hair, not hurrying him along or forcing anything, just touching him.

Claude pauses where he is, lips pressed to Dani's skin for a moment before he continues to move down. He kisses his way across her stomach, over her hip, nudging her legs apart as he goes.

Dani runs her hand through his hair, draws her knees up to give him room to settle between them.

He looks up, meets her eyes for a moment long enough to make her smile at him, before he lowers his head and puts his mouth on her. He licks at her skin, into her cunt, over her clit. She tastes like sex and heat, gets wetter as he licks at her.

Her hand closes into his hair when he makes her come, loosens a little after.

Claude stays there, licks at her again and gets an indrawn breath in return. "Okay?" he asks against the skin of her thigh.

"Yeah," Dani says. She tugs his hair lightly. "Yeah, more."

Claude sucks lightly at her thigh, moves to her cunt and licks with more intent. It takes longer to make her come this time, but he gets her there.

"Don't stop," Dani says, voice starting to go raw, before he can even ask.

Claude strokes the flat of his tongue over her, flicks at her clit. He's starting to get tired, crooks his fingers into her, puts his hand over hers when her fingers flex against his scalp.

Dani shudders as she comes, and she lets Claude up, drapes her arms over his shoulders and opens to his kiss.

"That rocked your world," he says.

Dani half chuckles. "It did." She's still relaxed under him, eyes half-lidded and hands resting on his back. "What do you want?" She nuzzles his cheek. "Whatever you want."

Claude skims lips and teeth over her jaw. "Can I come on you?"

Dani squeezes his shoulder. "Yes."

Claude kneels up over her, where he can look at her face, down the stretch of her body. She's even more beautiful, flushed and tired because he made her come. He takes his cock in hand, and it doesn't take very long before he's coming across her stomach and the underside of her breasts.

He half falls, half lies down next to her.

"I hope that was good enough," Dani says, "because we won't have a chance for anything like it until next week."

"Yeah," Claude says. "Yes." He takes her hand because it takes less out of him than rolling to look at her.

Dani sits up, leans down and kisses him, without letting go of his hand. "I'd like to stay here, but we need to shower and eat before we get the boys."

Claude brings their hands up to his mouth and kisses the back of hers. "Can I shower with you?"

Dani chuckles. "You got me this messy, you'd better come clean it up." She lets go of his hand and gets out of bed.

Claude watches her go, looking at her ass until she disappears into the bathroom. He takes a deep breath - the room smells like both of them and sex - and sits up. It takes him a moment to be sure his knees aren't going to buckle when he stands, but then he follows Dani, because he's not willing to miss out on any part of a life where he gets to be with her.

danny briere, fic: het, scott hartnell, mike richards, fic: real person het, danny briere/claude giroux, never-finished fic, claude giroux, 31 days of fic, hockey, fic by me

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