Trope Meme Fills

Sep 23, 2012 19:48

Actual fic:

The Best Friend ( Story on LJ Story on AO3) for isilya's prompt of Seguin genderswap. Tyler Brown/Tyler Seguin, Teen, 2200 words: "Are you the best friend? Because Marshy said I was dumb and you were the best friend and I should get my shit together."

A Sacred Exchange ( Story on LJ Story on AO3) for grim_lupine's prompt of Sid/Geno telepathy. Sidney Crosby, Geno Malkin, Gen, General Audiences, 1900 words: It's all normal, until Sid's taking a nap in the middle of summer and wakes up from a dream he knows wasn't his feeling like he might cry. He doesn't even know what the dream was about - the dialogue was all in Russian his dreaming mind couldn't quite catch, and images in dreams don't always help make sense out of things - but he knows it felt like Geno, and like sadness and loneliness.


Suddenly-a-girl!Tyler Seguin Tyler Seguin/f, Tyler Brown/Tyler Seguin, Mature, 1000 words: The thing about suddenly-a-girl!Seguin fic is that instead of a girl!Segs hooks up with Brownie and they fall in love story, I would want it to be a very feminist story about how Segs Learns Things. (Because he's pretty young, young enough that he's probably teachable, particularly through experience.)


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