A (Very Small) Collection of Hockey Things

May 15, 2012 15:26

Patrick Kane

I love some varieties of fictional Patrick Kane. The real thing, not so much. I agree with pretty much everything in meiface's post on the subject (and her conversation with diora1 in the comments). Here's my problem: I have a number of in progress stories about him that I want to finish because I like them. But I don't want anyone to think I'm endorsing anything about how he chooses to behave. Maybe I'll have to just slap a "this story does not imply any endorsement or approval of actual Patrick Kane" disclaimer on things. (I expect this whole thing won't have a huge impact on fandom as a whole, since one BNF seems to be saying yes to fictional Patrick Kane/no to real life Patrick Kane and the other BNF seems to be ignoring it completely.)

Reunited Marrieds

This reads like the fake news story in an epic Jeff Carter/Mike Richards fic, except that it's an actual article on nhl.com. See also the primer, the reading of which made them my current favorite hockey story because they have a narrative plot. I would read so much fic about them. Specifically, lakeeffectgirl and I would like someone to write a soulbonding story where they're just soulbonded dudebros until they get separated, at which point just being bros is not enough. I started telling myself part of that story yesterday, and then I skipped to imagining Richie holding girl!Carter up against the door after she provokes him into fucking her the way she wants. (Whatever, like you didn't already know that was my kind of thing.)

Marrieds with Kids

Once upon a time, Claude Giroux and Danny Briere lived together in matrimonial bliss with their three kids and two dogs:

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Then Claude moved out and baby rookie Sean Couturier moved in:

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For some reason (most likely a combination of no BNF interest and a "they're so slashy; why bother writing about them?" approach), there is very little fic about all of this. For an even more unknown reason, I'm very invested in Danny and/or Danny and Claude being parental towards Sean. (I may have written approximately nine hundred words of them all being a family yesterday.)

fans and fandom, feminism, danny briere, video, plot bunnies, mike richards, danny briere/claude giroux, patrick kane, jeff carter/mike richards, claude giroux, writing, politics, jeff carter, hockey

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