Snippet: Going Out (Bandom, girl!Brendon/Sarah, 200 words, Teen)

Mar 12, 2012 21:24

Summary: Sarah kicks her out of the bedroom, so she goes downstairs to play with the dogs, expecting Sarah to end up in a new dress or something.

Notes: I'm sorry I never finished this. This was going to be dancing and then porn (Original comment: Today in porn in my head: Sarah crossdressing because girl!Brendon likes cuddling up to Dallon way more than she thought she would.), but I never wrote more than the set-up.

Story on AO3

Brendon dresses the way she always does when they go out: jeans, t-shirt, Chucks, cute belt the only concession to fashion. Sarah kicks her out of the bedroom, so she goes downstairs to play with the dogs, expecting Sarah to end up in a new dress or something.

She doesn't.

She comes downstairs in one of Brendon's stage outfits. They're close enough in size that the suit fits her. She's wearing heels with it, high enough to make her taller than Brendon, but clunky, not girly, not ruining the illusion. Brendon knows the shape of Sarah's body, everything that's there, and everything that usually isn't. She takes Sarah in with a sweep of her eyes, and then comes back, stops. Sarah's packing.

"Can't we just stay in?" Brendon asks, breathless.

"No." Sarah smiles, her lips not as full as they usually are, the makeup different. "We're going out. You wanted to go clubbing."

"Are you sure?" Brendon goes to her, puts one of her hands on Sarah's cock, the other finding the curve of her breast under the suit. "I can appreciate this without leaving the house."

fic: real person slash, panic at the disco, brendon urie, brendon/sarah, fic: slash, never-finished fic, fic: femslash, 31 days of fic, fic by me, bandom

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