Listing the possibilities.

Feb 10, 2003 20:37

The unfinished fic thing is going around, which means it's time for another list.

Finished and actively in progress.

  • vojapan.txt. Lotrips, Viggo/Orlando. Still finished but for the beta and title, but the change for this list is that I've finally done something about getting some people to mini-beta for me. Now if only I could stop being lazy and work on the story.

    The condom next, sliding over Viggo's cock, hiding it from view and touch. More lube on that, and then Orlando's legs pushed back, Viggo holding them there.

    "Don't move."

    Orlando stays still, bites his lip to keep from begging.

    Viggo pushes all the way into him in one long slide. It hurts. Orlando knows it will hurt for days. He's not nearly prepared enough for this, and only his teeth in his lip keep his screams inside.
  • "Years Later." Harry Potter, Ron/Hermione. In which Ron and Hermione meet years later. Title sponged from the summary of Melle's "Evitar." I'm working on the last of six parts, after which at least two of them need serious editing, but I really, really like this story. I've gone a bit overboard and created a timeline and a family tree which both had to be revised when I realized that I'd made the oldest Weasley grandchild too old for the story to even remotely fit canon.

    "You willed Livy to look like one of us," he said slowly. "To look like me."

    "Yes," she said. "Yes, of course I did. I was so lonely and miserable.

    "I wished she really was yours," she whispered.


    "That's what made it so awful." She turned around and let him see the tears she was fighting not to let fall. "Livy was his, but I was unfaithful all the same."
  • postward.txt. Harry Potter, Draco, gen. Also known as the Astra-story, this is now 70K covering about four months of time when I know what's going to happen for the next two or three years. And, really, that's the problem with working on it. I don't want to write the next scene; I want to write something that happens years in the future. Unfortunately, I'm much less likely to stick with a story if I write it out of order, and I like writing this one too much to give up on it.

    Draco continued to worry at the problem. "If she's that powerful," he asked Hermione the next day on the way out of Potions, "why didn't--" The name stuck in his throat. "Why didn't He go after her?"

    "If she's that powerful, why didn't Dumbledore and the other teachers notice? She probably learned to hide herself," Hermione reasoned.

    Draco went down to breakfast before Astra on Friday and dropped into a chair across from Hermione. "Why isn't she any good at Transformation?"

    Hermione passed the toast without being asked. "I don't know," she admitted. "I wonder--" She stopped and looked off into the distance. "I'd like to know what kinds of magic she did when she was younger. Maybe it'll help us figure it out. There's a book," she continued thoughtfully, "about magic without wands."

    "There's a book for everything," Draco snapped.

    Hermione looked surprised. "Mostly," she answered. "Don't be angry at me."

    His irritation disappeared as if it had never been. "Sorry," he muttered.

    Astra appeared at his side and swiped a piece of bacon off his plate. She ate most of it and fed the last bite to Lydia.

    "It's okay," Hermione said, and to Astra, "Don't give her too much of that."

    Astra seemed to ignore her, but she didn't feed Lydia any more bacon.
  • hphd3.txt. Harry Potter, Harry/Draco. Alas, this story has not moved since the time of the last list, or, I believe, since the list before that. But I still want to add in the two or three more scenes it needs and finish it up.

    Harry scowled as he attempted to apply the potion Hermione had given him to the skin of his back. The places that hurt worst were, of course, the very places he couldn't reach himself.

    "Need some help, Potter?"

    Harry jumped, his Quidditch-trained reflexes the only thing keeping him from dumping the potion into the sink. "Don't do that!"

    "Sorry," said Draco, looking anything but. He nimbly plucked the bottle from Harry's hands and sniffed it delicately before dumping some of the thick potion onto his hands. "What happened?" he asked as he spread the potion evenly over Harry's back.
  • "After the Funeral." Harry Potter, Ron/Hermione, Bill/m. In which Ron is dead and everyone else grieves. I still need to finish Molly and write Arthur and Percy.

  • csi5.txt. CSI, Greg/Sara. Hank the paramedic dumps Sara on Valentine's Day, and Greg takes her out to breakfast.

    "He should be able to tell you something today." Nick sipped his coffee. "Hey, you and Hank have Valentine's Day plans?"

    She could feel her lips compressing into an unhappy line. "Not anymore." She swept the pictures up into a stack.
  • hpgmad.txt. Harry Potter, Draco/Ginny, Bill/f, Ron/Hermione. Death Eater Ginny goes a bit mad when Voldemort is defeated. Bill stays to help and Draco comes to find her.

    "Molly--" their father said.

    "Mrs. Weasley--" the mediwizard said.

    "No." Her flat refusal cut across both their words. "She is our child, Arthur. She is coming home with us. That is final." She came out of the mediwizard's office with her head held high and eyes snapping.

    "Ron, take your wife home. She should be resting. Fred and George, you have a business to run, and Percy, you have work to do at the Ministry." Molly straightened her cloak. "Bill and Charlie, you'll have to help us take Ginny home."
Things I still like but am not working on.

  • hphd7.txt. Harry Potter, Harry/Draco or gen with Harry/Draco overtones. I'm taken with Lucius' comment in the movie version of CoS that Harry's parents were "meddlesome." What if they were meddlesome to the point that they had Lucius and Narcissa declared incompetent and took Draco in themselves?

    "That's my mother," Harry said with some surprise.

    Along with the brightening of the scene, there was sound that accompanied it.

    "Lucius Malfoy is a monster!" the image of Lily shouted.

    Across the Great Hall, Draco's head snapped up at the mention of his father's name.

    "Now, Lily," Dumbledore's image said gently, "I'm sure it's not that bad."

    "This must be from when she was pregnant with you," Hermione said to Harry.

    "It is that bad," Lily insisted. "He will destroy that child! And Narcissa is no better. The woman is drugged out of her mind! Even if she wants the child, she won't be able to take care of it. They're not fit to be parents."

    Dumbledore suddenly looked tired. "Lily, there is nothing we can do."

    Lily scowled back at him. "If you won't do something about it, I will!"
  • hprhrs.txt. Harry Potter, Ron/Hermione, Snape/Hermione. I read Lexin's underdeveloped "A Life More Ordinary" and this discussion and it gelled together into a "What if Snape and Hermione had to have a child together?" plot bunny. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to turn this into a real, complete story.

    "Miss Granger, this is unacceptable!"

    "So pick her up. For Merlin's sake, Severus, she's your daughter too."

    Silence spread out from them until Emily's wailing was the only sound in the room.

    "Get back to work!" Snape snapped. The stirring started up again, accompanied by a low murmuring from the other students.

    Ron stepped around Neville and Hermione to pick up Emily. "I've got her." He bounced her gently and retrieved her pacifier from the basket. "There you go."

    "I'm sorry," Hermione said quietly, still adding ingredients to their potion at the correct intervals, but Snape was already walking away.
  • hprhrs2.txt. Harry Potter, Ron/Hermione, Snape/Hermione. Ron and Hermione get divorced. The kids stay with Ron, and Harry and Dumbledore arrange for Hermione to spend some time doing research at Hogwarts.

    He walked a wide-eyed Margaret Davey back to the door. "Thank you for your assistance, Miss Davey," he said as he ushered her out the door. He closed it behind her and took Hermione's parchment out of his pocket.

    She was smart; the recipe had been copied in her own hand in Goblin. There was a good chance the students wouldn't be able to read it, but he had no such limitations.

    "You stupid, foolish girl," he snarled. "You should have told me what you were doing."

    "You would have stopped me." Hermione tried to sit up, grimaced, and sank back against the arm of the couch.

    "I would have helped you." Severus' voice grated even on his own ears. "Poppy and I have made improvements on it." He gathered jars from the shelves around the workroom with sharp, angry movements.
  • hpdhr1.txt. Harry Potter, Draco/Hermione. Ron's dead. Harry's gone. Hermione's suicidal, and only Draco notices. Lots and lots of fun. I lost interest after I wrote the proposal scene.

    "Granger, I love you," he said. "Will you marry me?"

    "Yes," she said, sounding almost surprised. "Yes, of course I'll marry you."
  • henryorlando.txt. Lotrips, Henry/Orlando, Viggo/Orlando. Orlando takes Henry to get his first tattoo.

    "Was Henry better than I was?"

    Orlando groaned. "Not you too."

    Viggo took Orlando's hand in his and nipped at the nine on the inside of his wrist. "Was he?" His tongue dragged across Orlando's skin.
  • hpsmcg.txt. Harry Potter, Snape/McGonagall. Post-Quidditch sex.

    Snape was breathing heavily by the time McGonagall released his mouth. "Really, Minerva," he said, imitating her delivery, "is sex all you think about?"

    "Of course not," McGonagall replied reasonably. "There's also Quidditch." She managed to surprise a laugh out of Snape. "Now out of those robes."

    "You are insatiable," Snape murmured.

    "Is this where I'm supposed to say, 'Only for you'?" McGonagall asked as she pushed Snape's robes off his shoulders.
  • kscottian.txt. Metallica, James/Kirk, some Kirk/Scott Ian subtext. Early days of Metallica when they shared the building with Anthrax. Thoroughly self-indulgent.

    "I don't think food is a waste of money."

    "Just don't go buying all kinds of other things," Lars grumbled.

    "I won't," James said soothingly as he surreptitiously slipped another chocolate bar into Kirk's coat pocket.
  • orlandogirl.txt. Lotrips, Viggo/Orlando. Orlando wakes up a girl.

    "Oh, God," Orlando said when he could breathe again. "What was that?"

    Viggo chuckled, his warm breath brushing against still-sensitive skin. "That," he said, moving up and pressing his lips against Orlando's stomach, "was an orgasm."

    "Christ." Orlando let his arm flop over his eyes. "How do women survive that?"
Other things I want to talk about.

  • voslave.txt. Lotrips, Viggo/Orlando. I wrote and wrote and wrote on this, and I never really finished it. But working on it was good practice for writing an original fic.

    Viggo let his thumb brush across Orlando's lips. "It is nothing more than your due." He stood abruptly and held out his hand to Orlando. "Come."

    Orlando obediently abandoned the end of his dinner and took Viggo's hand. "Yes, my lord."

    Viggo drew Orlando's hand up to his mouth and dropped a kiss onto the back of it. He drew Orlando up the stairs and into their bedchamber. Once there, he set to loving Orlando with all the tenderness and gentleness he knew how to give.
  • hphd5.txt. Harry Potter, Harry/Draco. In which Prince William has a proposition for Harry and Draco doesn't like it.

    "I didn't know anyone thought you were Merlin," Draco said.

    Harry laughed sharply. "Neither did I." He shivered in the increasing warmth. "Not until today. He said--" Harry's breath hitched.

    "He said," Draco prompted.

    Harry sighed. "Too much," he said, seeming to realize he himself had said enough. He drew his knees up and put his head down on them. "I wish he hadn't said any of it. I wish none of this had ever happened."
  • dkmarry.txt. From Eroica With Love, Klaus/Dorian. Klaus gets married, and, as Dorian predicted, is widowed, leaving him with to avoid raising his own child. Dorian, of course, steps in to take up the slack. This is also thoroughly self-indulgent. While I'm no longer actively working on it, it's spinning out in my head.

    "I was the first one in the church one morning. I found Jason hanging from the rafters. He killed himself. Despair is a sin against hope. He couldn't be buried in consecrated ground. He couldn't have a funeral mass.

    "I went to his grave and said a prayer anyway." Klaus fell silent and glanced out the window at the red tendrils of sunset reaching out across the city.
  • Untitled (only on paper). Original, Evie Foster/Melody Crane. The Fosters and the Cranes go all the way back to the early days of Abbotville, but no one expected that they would someday get it right. Cheesy-ish lesbian romance novel in two parts.

    "She's a Crane all right," Melody heard someone say.

    "Pity about her eyes," someone else answered. "She'd be much prettier if she had her Momma's green eyes."

    "Her daddy was a Yankee, you know," a third voice said, as if that mattered.

fic lists

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