Dear Yuletide Author (2011)

Nov 19, 2011 13:39

Hi there! I'm super excited that you're writing me a story! Thank you for taking on one of my requests.

Now, I know you're really here to figure out what the heck I might like. Luckily, I can help you with that. I did the very long kink/trope meme a while back, and here is a shorter fic likes and dislikes post. The very short summary version: I like women, dialogue, intimacy along the nonsexual plane (although sex is good too), and relationships between equals. I dislike misogyny, randomly inconsistent pov, abrupt endings, and anything that makes me feel anxious or embarrassed for the characters.

And now, some specifics about the fandoms I requested:

Make It Or Break It - The story of my heart is the one where Payson is a lesbian. If that is not your thing, that is okay! I would especially love anything about Payson's relationships with other women (I'm the person who nominated both Kim Keeler and Heather, even though I didn't specifically request either of them), or really anything about Payson as a person.

Push - I can't tell you why I love this movie so much. I think it's some combination of the fantastic colors, Dakota Fanning, and the psychic abilities. I would love a threesome or some other kind of Cassie-Nick-Kira chosen family thing, but really anything with all three of them would make my day.

Rizzoli & Isles - The thing I love most about this show is their bantering and conversation. I would also read femslash. Or a casefile. Or anything else that involves Jane and Maura being their awesome selves.

Thank you again, writer, for taking on my request(s). I'm looking forward to reading what you come up with!

♥ and happy writing,

yuletide, push, rizzoli & isles, fic likes and dislikes, meme

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