Fannish State of Me + WIP List

Oct 08, 2011 19:43

TAI announced today that they are no longer a band. I bring this up largely to disclaim: while I hadn't written any of this down yet, I've actually been writing this entry in my head for a week.

I think I'm kind of done with bandom. Bandom people, I feel sad about this too. I don't want to move on! I'm just not feeling the same way about it anymore. All is not lost, however; there are things I still want to finish. And that brings me to new fandoms. I'm afraid to start writing anything that could become a long story. I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. I'm also working on editing the Leighton/Vicky-T story, and I've reached the point where I never want to look at it again. I don't want that to happen with shiny new fandoms! I almost want a break between fandoms, but that's not the way my mind works.

Anyway, as I said, there are things I still want to finish. There are also things that are finished snippets that just need to be posted. Below the cut are a couple of lists of WIPs and snippets - bandom and otherwise - broken into categories. It's mostly for my own reference (and I'll probably keep a copy in my Google Docs to delete things from as I take care of them), but to make it more interesting, let's treat it like a WIP meme: if you ask about any of them, I will tell you something about it, or bump it up to the top of the posting list for things that are finished.

Stories/Snippets I Want/Intend to Finish/Finish Editing - Bandom
  • Lesbian Vice Cops In Love (Leighton/Vicky-T)
  • Andy/Matt crossdressing porn
  • Bob/Greta/Spencer cupcakes and space station AU
  • Pete/Patrick/Bebe kinky threesome
  • girl!Tom/Sean, past girl!Tom/Mike, aka "the possibly questionable story"
  • Bebe/Victoria performing arts high school AU
  • Nate/Mikey poly non-AU variation on "Everyone forgets that Nate and Mikey know each other."
  • Fairy tale: Evie doesn't want to marry Bronx, so she runs away to the Human Lands
  • Gabe/Victoria accidental marriage
Stories/Snippets I Want/Intend to Finish/Finish Editing - Suits
  • Mike Ross meets Sherlock Holmes
  • Lesbian!Donna gets married
  • Harvey/Donna open marriage
  • Harvey and Donna: scenes from a friendship
  • Five times Harvey and Donna didn't sleep together, plus one time they did
  • Harvey/Mike/Donna and variations thereof poly threesome
  • Harvey/Mike kink
  • Suits gen with Harvey/Mike UST and Harvey's family background
Finished Snippets I Intend to Post - Bandom
  • Mike/Courtney transference
  • Pete/Bebe high school/college AU
  • Bill/Christine/Courtney porn
  • Mike and Courtney get married; Bill is surprised
  • Pete/Gabe/Bebe banter
  • Ryan/Spencer babyfic
  • Tom/Sean babyfic
  • trans!Brendon/Travis (originally an anon_lovefest snippet)
  • Mike/Bill angry sex
Things I Intend to Post As Permanently Unfinished/Not!Fic - Bandom
  • Brendon/Spencer was going to be kidfic
  • Nate-centric Cobra GSF
  • Pete/Patrick/Bob werewolves
  • Nick/Tyson AU
  • girl!Brendon/Sarah crossdressing
  • Brendon/girl!Spencer/Sarah/Haley not!porn
  • Bronx and Evie get married
  • Nate/Victoria kink where Victoria's subbing
  • girl!Gabe/Victoria d/s
  • Mike/Bill d/s (with Mike/Kevin at the beginning)
  • Mike/Kevin college AU with poetry
Things I Don't Know What I'm Going To Do With
  • Werewolf!Mike/Tom angst
  • Panic! band+partners orgy
  • girl!Gabe and Ke$ha rivalry
  • Ryan/Z - Z doesn't ask questions
  • Brendon/Spencer/Sarah/Haley kinky porn
Things Too Small For Their Own Post
  • Andy/Pete - Pete moves in
  • Pete/Travie tattooing
  • Mike Ross meets Pete Wentz
  • Cater waiter/hooker!Mikey
  • Rizzoli & Isles: Jane's mother fusses at her to marry Maura - I would like to actually write this story instead of just the snippets of dialogue I have.
  • Jamie Bell/Channing Tatum ballet AU setup - This is a snippet that could be posted.
  • Chris/Steve Space AU - I think it's time to admit I'm never going to finish this and just post it unfinished.

fans and fandom, fannish state of me, goings on in my head, meme, suits, wip, writing, bandom

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