WIP Meme

Feb 24, 2010 21:33

I'm a sucker for WIP memes of all types.

The WIP meme: post a little bit of each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations.


They make up, for values of "making up" that mean they don't talk about it again and have a lot of sex before Alex leaves.

And, whatever, you know? Alex is Andy's boyfriend, and it's working for them. So Andy's a little stressed out about things at home right now. That's just temporary, and everything will work itself out.

Two days later, Andy's phone rings and the caller ID says it's the Fuck City house line, so he picks it up. He's not expecting the person on the other end of the phone to be Renee.


Gabe's probably in the back lounge, on the other side of the bunks, and they can hear his voice in the front lounge. Victoria can tell from the cadence of it that he's arguing, and doing it in Spanish.

Victoria feels a little like she might throw up. She also feels like she could sleep for another twelve hours. If she goes to her bunk, Gabe's voice will only be louder. She lies down on one of the couches and curls herself up into as small a ball as she can. The ring on her finger already feels like it belongs there.


The guy palmed open the door and went in first. Chris stepped over the threshold and nearly fell.

"Oh, sorry," the guy said, reaching out to catch Chris. "I'm an Earther. I usually keep the gravity up. It's why I don't mind having such a small place." He turned to the control panel just to the side of the door. "I can turn it down."

Chris caught the guy's hand before he could do anything. "No," he said. "It's fine. It's good." He used the hand to draw the guy back to him. "I haven't fucked in one-gee for a while."

The guy's smile made his already soft face even softer. "The bed's this way."


"This has nothing to do with that." Nate's stare was as intense as he ever got. "You're not ready for this."

"Sure I am," Victoria lied.

"You're not." Nate drummed his fingers on the table, picking out a rhythm she couldn't quite follow. "I'm not sure I am."

In the middle of her own turmoil over working with Gabe again, she hadn't stopped to think how Nate would feel about it. He'd gotten almost as close to Gabe as she had, and she'd heard tales - from both of them - about the adventures they had when they went out drinking together. But Nate had chosen her, in the end. He'd been the one to hold her together after she threw the glass at Gabe, when she thought her sobs and the pain of her heart breaking would tear her apart.


He's good at it, interacting with the kids. Kevin probably shouldn't be surprised. Mike's been doing this even longer than Kevin has, if not on the same scale, and Kevin's read enough about The Academy Is... to know their fans are the same teenagers as Kevin's fans, but it's still not what he expected. Of course, what he expected was for the girls to talk to him, so maybe what he expects isn't a particularly good measure of what's going to happen.


"That," William drawls, "was not a first kiss."

Gabi smiles sweetly at him. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell."

Ryland snorts. "You're no lady."

"No," Gabi concedes, "but Victoria is." Then her eyes gleam, and she sings, "Easy V doesn't come for free. She's a real lady."

Carden groans and throws a wedge of lime at her, just missing Victoria. "Party foul, dude. No Spice Girls on the bus."

Gabi just picks up the lime and sucks on it, pursing her lips in a way that Victoria also likes.


That still leaves him with six weeks of being alone before Hurley gets back. He knows how to cook - every boywife has to learn - but he's never tried to cook wholly vegan. So the next thing he does is use up the last of the eggs, milk, butter, and bacon in the house and start experimenting with recipes.

Some of it turns out well - he makes a fucking awesome vegan lasagna - and other things - like his first attempt at banana bread - get tossed out after one bite.

He keeps working on those things, though, because a good boywife feeds his husband, and he's determined to keep Hurley supplied with baked goods as well as regular meals.

fall out boy, fic: real person slash, mike carden, meme, femslash, fic: real person het, cobra starship, fuck city, the cab, fuck city gsf, victoria asher, writing, mike carden/kevin jonas, bandom, fic by me, chris/steve, gabe/victoria, christian kane, steve carlson, the academy is, fic: het, fic: slash, jonas brothers, andy/matt, matt mixon

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