Checkin' it twice.

Mar 16, 2002 18:11

Once upon a time, I made a list. This is a different list. Oh, it's got some of the same things, but in order to keep you entertained, most of the things on here are different from those on the first version.

This list is in three parts: Things I'm actively writing, things I'd like to finish someday in the future, and things I'd like to write but probably won't. This list represents only a small fraction of the unfinished fic I have lying around.

Things I'm actively writing.

  • hphd3.txt. Harry Potter, Harry/Draco. I managed to write the first draft of the battle scene, which makes me far more hopeful that an end is in sight. On the other hand, this could be the kind of story that I just keep adding scenes to forever. It still needs some resolution to the Ron/Hermione undertones, and one or two more Harry/Draco relationship building scenes. This is quite possibly the most unusual thing I've ever written. It's long (over 8500 words), it's being written out of order, it has a plot of sorts, and I've now made an outline of what I've already written to help me figure out where the yet to be written scenes need to go.

    Hermione looked thoughtful. "It would take some work, but we could set up an anti-Apparition spell on your flat if you want."

    Harry shook his head. "I don't really mind. It's probably the safest way for him to report to me anyway."

    "And he's easy on the eyes," Hermione said slyly.

    Ron nearly choked on his biscuit. "Hermione!"

    "Come on," Hermione pressed. "You can't tell me you haven't noticed."

    Harry flushed lightly.

    "I thought so," Hermione said smugly. "Really," she said seriously, "it wouldn't be such a bad idea."

    "I don't need to hear this," Ron muttered.

    Hermione shot him a sharp look before continuing. "It would tie him closer to you."

    "And if he's actually spying for You-Know-Who, it'll tie you closer to him," Ron pointed out.
  • henryorlando.txt. Orlando Bloom/Henry Mortensen. While in New Zealand, Orlando promises Henry that he'll take him to get his first tattoo when he turns 18. He lives up to his promise. Of course, nothing is ever that simple, and the catch is that in New Zealand, Orlando was sleeping with Viggo, Henry is well aware of that fact, and Viggo knows that Henry and Orlando have had sex after Henry's first tattoo.

    Orlando watched him draw while he smoked. "When you're eighteen, I'll take you to get your first tattoo."

    Henry stopped drawing. "Really?"

    Orlando grinned. "Really." Peter yelled at him and he stubbed out his cigarette. "It's a promise," he said, ruffling Henry's hair on his way back to Middle Earth.
  • vorlisb.txt. Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom/Sean Bean. Orlando disturbs Viggo's peace, and then Sean shows up as well. The sex scene is driving me crazy. I'm not sure I can get away with not writing it, partially because I think I might need it to make clear exactly what the relationships are, and partially because I have no idea what happens after the sex scene.

    They returned to the living room. Viggo took out the chess set and set it up on the table near the window. Sean went to refill their wineglasses. He returned from the kitchen to find the board ready to play. Before he could make his first move, Orlando came across the room and sank to the floor at Viggo's feet. He rested his head on Viggo's thigh. Sean raised an eyebrow. Viggo only shrugged minutely.

    They played seriously enough, but like people who wanted to play, not men to whom the outcome was of truly great importance. Orlando sat still and silent at Viggo's feet.

    Viggo won the game, and they put the pieces back in their box. Viggo put the box away and fetched the wine bottle. They drank and talked and ignored Orli's presence at Viggo's knee. When it began to get truly dark, not just the grayness of the clouds, they moved to the kitchen.
Things I'd like to finish someday.

  • jedi.txt. Star Wars universe, f/f. Original characters, but I've lost track of which one was supposed to be the Mary Sue. Moved up the list because I've been reading Phantom Menace fic recently, and that makes me want to work on it again.

    "You could do this yourself," I tell her.

    She grins at me. "I know. My master insisted I come down here too," she answers my unspoken question. "He's overprotective sometimes." Her fondness and goodwill reach out and threaten to overwhelm me. She must sense it, or see it in my face, because the flow of emotion abruptly cuts off. "Damn. You're an empath, aren't you?" I nod. "Sorry about that. I tend to be rather casual about maintaining my shields when I'm happy." She grins at me again, and I find myself noticing how soft her mouth is. I tighten my shields.
  • jsbjustice.txt. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Jay/Justice, Jay/Silent Bob. Post-movie. Justice figures it out, and threatens Silent Bob. I don't really know what Silent Bob would do about it.

    Justice beckoned him forward.

    He pointed to his chest as if to ask, "Me?"

    She nodded and pointed at him emphatically. "Come here." He could see her lips shape the words.

    He sat in the chair Jay had vacated and picked up the phone, watching her warily through the plexiglass.

    "I see the way you look at him," she said.

    He tried hard not to let his surprise show on his face.

    "He's mine," she fairly growled. "I'm a career criminal, and not a soft drug dealer like you. I can do nasty things to you. Stay away from him, lunchbox," she warned, her voice turning Jay's familiar nickname for him into an obscenity.
  • bmcj.txt. Matt Damon/Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck/Joaquin Phoenix. Casey comes home from a honeymoon of sorts with Joaquin in Italy and lets slip to Ben that he once slept with Matt. Ben not only had no clue, but he himself has never slept with Matt.

    Ben nearly choked on his coffee. "But--" He struggled for something to say. "I didn't even know you were gay," he finally settled on, looking confused.

    "I didn't think it would bother you. I mean, you and Matt--"

    "What about me and Matt?"

    "Well, you're together."

    "Casey, Matt and I are not together. We've never been together."

    "Never? Not even a kiss or jerking off together?"

    "No! Not even--" Ben seemed too embarrassed to finish the sentence.

    "But you're the perfect couple! You're so close and I thought-- I mean, I've slept with Matt and I thought that you would have too."

    Ben gaped at his brother. "You've slept with Matt?"

    "Yeah. I thought you knew. Everybody knew. Don't tell me you're really that oblivious."

    "I didn't know."
  • domjail.txt. The Fast and the Furious, Dom/Letty or maybe Mia/Letty. While Dom's in jail, Mia lives with Letty's family. Letty takes care of her, first by talking Dom into letting her work in the store and thus depriving her of extra brooding time, and secondly by taking on the bullies making Mia's life difficult.

    Dom lit a cigarette with barely shaking hands while Letty sat down across from him. "Since when do you carry around Kleenex?" he asked after he'd taken a deep drag. It was the only question he could think to ask.

    "Since she started living with us."

    "She do this a lot?"

    "Enough." Letty relented and added, "Not as much as she used to."


    Letty reached out and covered his hand with hers. "She's mostly okay. She's just grieving."
Things I'd like to write, but probably won't.

  • Cleopatra in Space. An original sci-fi novel. Jasik is assigned to guard Cleopatra, a princess on some planet, or perhaps even a ship. Cleopatra doesn't appreciate it as she is proficient with a knife and can take care of herself. She also has a hobby she'd rather no one know about: She races flyers under the name Patroclus.

    "I can take care of myself," she told him through gritted teeth.

    "I've no doubt you can, My Lady," he replied calmly. "However, it is my duty to protect you."

    An instant later, Cleopatra had him pressed against a wall with a knife to his neck. "I can protect myself."

    Jasik's eyes gave away nothing. "I will not neglect my duty."
  • Henry Switches Sides. Probably Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom, but possibly gen. Orlando recruits Henry to work with him to pull a prank on Viggo. The major obstacle to writing it is that I'm not a prankster and I have no idea what sort of prank they might play.

  • Henry's Crush. In which Henry has a crush on Orlando and Elijah is cruel.

    "I hope you'll be there," Elijah mimicked, making his eyes as wide as possible. He snorted. "The kid's got a crush on you, Orli." He sipped his Coke and watched Orlando blush. "Like father, like son, I suppose."

    Orlando gaped at him. "Viggo doesn't--"

    "Viggo watches you all the time. Don't pretend you don't notice."

    "Christ, Elijah, leave the kid alone," Dom protested.

    "He might as well know the truth. Father and son. That's going to be messy."

    "Fuck off," Orlando said. His hands shook as he brought his cigarette to his mouth.

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