Kink Fic Rec: Bonus Superstar Sunday

May 31, 2009 15:06

This is the last of my kink fic recs for this series, and this is the superstar to end all superstars. If you read only one story out of this series, read this one. Even if you don't read kink fic, read this one. Even if you don't read J2, read this one. It's not only my favorite of all of these recs, it's quite possibly my favorite piece of fan fic of all time.

The story is technosage's Break Loose Ranch series. The main story arc is J2; there's also some Chris/Steve, Chad/Steve, and Chris/Dave.

Break Loose Ranch is a half-AU in which Jensen became an actor while Jared has a ranch in Texas. They meet when Jared's right-hand man Chad drags him to a Kane show. It's not particularly kinky on the surface, but there's a beautiful d/s undertone to Jared and Jensen's relationship:Jared splays his palm over his lower back, steadying. "Where's the lube, baby?"

Not, do you have any? Not, did you bring? Quiet, confident, knowing - because, whether he's saying it or not, Jensen is his, and he always carries slick for Jared. For them, so they can have each other wherever and whenever inspiration strikes, because Jared, fucking Prince Charming, won't take him without - not unless he's got time to lick him wide and wet.

"Jacket...pocket," he pants out, and Jared doesn't ask which. Right, always right. Jared's right-handed and so is he. Make things easy, easy for Jared.
But even if d/s isn't your thing, you should read this series because the language and the tone are so beautifully perfect:In Jared's experience, you can tell a lot about a person from what they eat and how. Take Jared, he prefers flapjacks for breakfast, straight up, nothing fancy in them, just a golden brown batter with a hint of nut, real creamery butter with salt for just the right mix of flavors -- and a spill of thick maple syrup worth pushing a stack of pancakes around a plate to catch the last ever-loving drop of. He figures that says a lot about him, like he's a good 'ol boy, appreciates life's simple pleasures, but he wants what he wants and he'll go to some serious lengths to get it.

Now Jensen, on the other hand, well, Jensen eats about as pretty as he does everything else. Prefers waffles to pancakes, which don't make no never mind, like his mama always says. Jared's got batter for both in the fridge and about now, he'd make Jensen chicken cordon bleu if he asked for it. But when Jared sips his cinnamon-laced chicory blend and watches Jensen cut each bite two squares by two squares, bisecting the ribs of the waffle so the syrup won't run, now that's something worth noting. He figures it means Jensen's had plenty of rough times and takes his happiness where he finds it, always expecting it to run out on him. Not like Jared hadn't figured that out already, but somehow a stack of waffles eaten neat and tidy as you please kinda cements it.

Sunlight streams through the window, kissing Jensen's fresh-showered chest and biceps like Jared wishes he was. Fact is, Jensen looks good in his kitchen, damned good, like Jared could see every morning for forever and never get bored.

kink, spnrps, chris/steve, j2, chad/steve, chris/dave, recs: fic, recs: kink fic, recs

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