Kink Fic Rec: Day 10

May 13, 2009 12:39

Today's rec is not particularly kinky, but retains the ridiculous premise aspect of many of these recs. The story is "The Courtship of Harry Potter" by Diana Williams (who's another author you'll be seeing more of later). I'll let her explain the premise:Challenge: This story is based on a challenge from DarkLady, to wit "Suppose it were a usual thing in Wizarding culture that a young man take an older man as a lover/mentor. Mix in a flashy and illintentioned rival, and Snape's machinations to ensure that he is Harry's choice. Extra bunny - a clear period and ritual to the courtship, with the rival managing smoothly while Snape's gestures all appear to fall flat. Of course, our Harry is a better judge of character than that..."
Ridiculous, right? But I'm a sucker for a good they have to get married story, and most of the HP fic I read is Harry/Snape, so of course I read it. It made it onto my kink recs list for one particular bit about three-quarters of the way through the story. "Perhaps I've changed my mind," Snape purred, stepping closer to Harry. The younger wizard automatically stepped backward and found himself pressed against a wall by Snape for the second time in a month. "Perhaps I like the idea of having Famous Harry Potter as my personal play-toy. The Saviour of the Wizarding World, bound to my bed, committed to servicing my pleasure."

Snape took Harry's face between his hands and leaned closer, almost whispering in his ear. "And I would take my pleasure from you, boy. I would use you in every way possible, as hard as I liked, without the slightest regard for your own comfort or pleasure. And if I damaged you...well, there are healing potions and spells. Three years, Potter, spent on your back, your belly, your knees."

Harry's eyes had slid shut and Snape could feel his heart beating rapidly. At any moment, Harry would push him away and run, run as if the very Devil was on his heels. As, in truth, he was. But once again, the boy surprised him.

"Yes," Harry breathed, leaning forward enough to brush his lips against Snape's. "Please."
Interestingly, once we get to the contract negotiations and actual sex, Harry has much more power and we never get back to a bdsm-y dynamic.

kink, snape/harry, recs: fic, recs: kink fic, harry potter, recs

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