Jun 17, 2005 00:20
I'm not doing too well at my Tuesday posts. I haven't had a whole lot to say however.
Today I accepted a four week job as a counselor at cybercamp! Man, how cool does cypercamp sound! During my four weeks I will be teaching 7-11 year olds how to use computer programs and in between computer time, hanging out with them. It sounds kind of fun. Hopefully I will be ok as a teacher.
I've slacked off lately at the job search. Well, at least the graphic design job search. The more I have looked for a design job the more I've doubted whether that is what I want to be doing. Maybe its lack of confidents or maybe I'm just realizing that design isn't really what I want to do. Anyhow, I have been perusing a career as a flight attendant. We'll see if anything happens with that.
The last few days I have been scheming to drive down to LA. Now that I have this counseling thing however I have given up on that idea. I need my own car so that I can follow through with road trip opportunities like that without having to ask my parents permission. Hopefully soon.
I bought a scanner and new hard drive this week. Finally, I might just have a fully functioning computer.
Big graduation open house was last Sunday. It was fun, but overwhelming. I was very glad to have Erin sharing the hosting responsibilities with me. It confirmed the fact that eloping would be a wonderful option if I ever get married.