Fic: Postcards From The Moon for sambethe

Dec 08, 2006 16:17

Title: Postcards From The Moon
Author minnow_53
Written for: sambethe
Rating: PG
Summary: Five different journeys, one constant relationship.
AN: Various POVs
Thank you: To astra_argentea for reading through.

On the road... )

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paulamcg December 17 2006, 16:51:34 UTC
Perhaps, for once, I can say that I envy you. This was my reaction to the first part only. Why didn’t I write this, or rather why didn’t my Remus experience this? I’d have had just the right memories of busses and tents in Spain. But he had to get there only in 1987 (approximately at the same time with me) and alone.

Number two. I love the way you manoeuvre the outsider’s perspective - divining Remus’s birthday and all, and show us a convincing glimpse of life in the magical world. And the boys look adorable.

The theme develops wonderfully as we move on. There is some melancholy in the tone, too, when we never arrive where we’d like to stay.

In the fourth part the humour is marvellous. I love the way you start using the new names, without an explanation, and Simon’s tie design, and…

I have to admit I wasn’t quite sure immediately what the perspective was in each part, but this wasn’t too disturbing at all. By the end it’s perfect that Harry misses the moment, and finally believes there wasn’t anything to miss.

You’ve offered to the fandom so much when writing about Remus and Sirius in new settings. I’m happy you’ve gone on, after you once said that you’d said everything, and that you at least needed more material from JKR.

This one is perhaps my new favourite story among your fanfiction. So much more than a simple small gift. Thank you.


minnow_53 December 18 2006, 11:51:49 UTC
Oh, thank you very much for such a lovely comment! ♥ I put a note about POVs at the top, because they were uncompromising and I wanted to avoid as much confusion as possible! :D Though you notice Remus wangled two, which was a bit unfair.

Yes, I thought I'd said everything, but the prompt really inspired me, and this can be like a PS. Or something! I'll probably soldier on, as one does...

Many, many thanks again for the feedback.


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