Week 1 Round Up

Dec 07, 2014 10:59

The party's begun! We've posted seven small gifts during our first week of posting:


chibitoaster created How Sirius Always Wins for andreyahalms
Imagine an old, bickering couple. And now imagine a warm-hearted and loyal prat who, after each argument about something trivial, manages to win with one easy move. Work-safe

epithalamium created This is Felicia for nerak_rose
They were young and they were skint, but it was their first Christmas in their new flat, which was cause enough for celebration. Work-safe


brighty18 wrote The Promise of Sausage for huldrejenta
Not every evening goes as planned - especially when it's hijacked by forces out of one's control. Rated PG-13, 3000 words

grandilloquism wrote And Somewhere They’re Dancing the Night Away Madly for museinabsentia
A little dancing in the street at midnight, and a first kiss. Rated PG, 1100 words

lhazzie wrote Christmas is for Family for beththoughts
On Christmas Eve, Sirius has an uncomfortable lunch date, and then spends some quality time at home with Remus. Rated PG-13, 2900 words

liseuse wrote those who thrive when days are bleak for rhye
The older you get, the more you're away, the less home feels like home, except in all the ways it remains home. Rated PG-13, 2100 words

marc_duork wrote In Which Mrs Weasley Has Ventured Beyond the Customary Jumper for cypress_33
Over Christmas with the Order, Harry doesn’t learn very much from his mentors. Rated G, 2000 words

Some housekeeping items:

* Commenting. Please keep an eye out for the gift someone has created for you and comment when you see it! There's nothing more anxiety-producing than waiting for a recipient to reply. If you're going to be offline for an extended period, just let your mods know--we'll notify your gift-giver that you'll be back soon.

* Reposting. Once the gift you've created has been posted here, feel free to repost it to your own journal or archive. We've set up a collection for Small Gifts over at Archive of Our Own if you want to post your fic there, current or past. Just add this year's work to the Remus/Sirius Small Gifts 2014 subcollection.

* Recing.If you rec a gift at your journal, would you please drop us a note here to let us know? We'll keep track of recs and notify the Daily Snitch when we see three for any gift.

* Did we mention how much we all love comments? Leave a word or two for a creator if you enjoy something!

Your mods,
Sam/sambethe, Min/mindabbles, and Maggie/magnetic_pole

2014, weekly round up

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