Title: Long Not for the Dawn
thistleroseWritten for:
krabappleRating: R
Summary: After everyone else has gone to bed, Sirius and Remus have a private gift exchange.
A/N: So many thank yous to my wonderful beta readers,
mellafe and
semielliptical. I know it's a little after the fact, but I hope you had a wonderful holiday,
krabapple. *snuggle*
The jacks have dirty mouths. )
Comments 50
oh lovely. I really love how you depicted their post-Azkaban relationship, making it seem really believable and IC. *loves*
It's such a nice night for them, and they complement each other so well here. Great job.
There's so much about this to love, from the naughty jacks (heh) to the charm. And this -- "Well, I don't want them torn." Hee!
I love it! Thank you so much!
how long it would be before his world was too small to move in at all. / He knew that Remus was back when the walls sighed and unclenched
particularly startled me, reminding me of a Greek song which says (in my translation), There used to be space for me in your heart; there’s no space for me in the world (after I’d just learnt that your Remus, too came to England - in 1993? - from Crete. There must be a coincidence here, as I doubt you’ve read Anywhere And Back Again ( ... )
Cool lyric. Nice coincidence. :)
I'm really glad that you liked the story. Thanks for the awesome feedback!
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