Dec 01, 2013 20:55

Title: Untitled

Author/Artist: Deathjunke

Recipient: pppopcorn

Rating: PG

Contents or warnings (highlight to view): *Not much of anything I think *

Word count:1943

Summary: Remus was sent on a mission not too long before the holidays. Sirius, doesn’t want to spend the first Christmas in their flat alone.

This one kind of got away from me.
I wanted it to go in one direction and it went the complete opposite.
Sorry, I hope you like it anyway pppopcorn

October 12
I’ve been called away to take care of a problem that popped up on the continent. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and I’ll be home with in the next two weeks or so.

Don’t worry, I’m not alone Amelia’s coming with me (don’t make that face it’s been ages since fifth year). Also, please be sure not to get fur on the sofa, I just managed to get it all off.

Wishing I was home already


Sirius fussed with his keys with his right hand wile trying to hold the bulky box steady with his left. While he enjoyed the muggle lifestyle he tended to lead some things were just plain inconvenient. He jiggle and jingled the keys sliding the ones on the lower ring back and forth until he felt the rubber grip on the key to the flat. With a triumphant “Ha!” he angled his body and tried to fit the key into the lock he managed to get close but the key slipped from his cold numbed fingers and the man grunted, annoyed.

Sirius placed the box on the floor and snatched up the keys taking the minute to unlock the door and push his foot between the heavy metal door and the jamb, keeping it from locking him out and reached over to once again snatch the box off of the floor.

“I’m home!” He called hopefully into the flat, not really expecting an answer but praying that he got one any way. Remus had been gone for so long.

Sirius let the door slam behind him, not caring that the lady next door would shout at him next time they crossed paths, and put the box down on the coffee table before throwing himself down onto the over stuffed ridiculously plush sofa with the hideous paisley pattern (a house warming gift from Dumbledore). And looking across the room at the occupied owl perch.

“Thaddeo, ‘ave you brought me any letters from Remus today?” Sirius addressed the big barn owl that was resting on the high perch on the other side of the room. The owl rustled its feathers disdainfully and tucked its head under a wing, a clear dismissal if Sirius had ever seen one. “Moody little bastard aren’t you.” Sirius flipped over and pressed his face to the back cushions of the sofa.

It was the night of the 24th and the way things were looking, Remus wouldn’t be home any time soon. Christmas eve and in just a few hours it would be Christmas day. Sirius had never spent Christmas alone before.

When Sirius was small, before Regulus was born he and his mother would call on her parents. The elder Blacks would coo over Sirius, give him gifts and trinkets, and then there would be a huge dinner that Orion Black never attended. After dinner Walburga Black would take her son’s hand and the two of them would walk to one of the smaller parks on the edge of the neighborhood. Sirius would play with the other children, as his mother talked with an old school friend, who had a son of her own. Back then Holidays were sweet and easy, pleasant.


October 30th
It’s taking far too long to finish up. Amelia’s departed, she’s been sent off to places unknown and I’m still handling this situation. I got your care package, Thaddeo brought it to me last night. You’ve saved my life! Really I think people underestimate the importance of warm socks. It makes all the difference. Especially when one is trekking through the ass end of mother nature.

For Christmas, I’m going to ask for socks. I want all of the socks Sirius.
This trip proves I cant just bury my toes in the Dog’s fur every time I’ve got a chill.

I found something I think you’ll like too. Keep it on you the woman I brought it from says it will light up if an enemy is near by. Hopefully that will help keep you safe. I heard that a few Aurors have been going missing lately. Don’t you dare vanish before I get home hear me?

It’ll only be a few days now,


Things Changed when Regulus was born and father had become more of a presence. With an Heir and a spare and Walburga never feeling quite well they stayed home at Grimmauld Place. That town house had simply not been made for holiday cheer. No matter how many curtains you drew, lamps you lit, or wall sconces you oiled the place was always dim and dark. The taxidermy heads of the house elves loomed with their false beards and Father Christmas hats -they weren’t scary when you grew up surrounded by it but it never stopped being unnerving. On Christmas morning there were presents, Kreacher would make eggy-bread and Mother would sit by the window quiet as she watched the streets. Orion sometimes watched his sons open presents and other times went to the office, it never mattered either way.


November 10th
My contact was killed last night.
It was a bar brawl, bt I don’t thin it was an accident.
I’ll be away a bit longer than I thought.
I love you, and keep the dog off the sofa.

[Almost] Always,


After Sirius turned 11 Christmases meant something entirely different; yule balls for big business partners of the Backs, high society holiday parties and every annoyance in between. There were endless hours of primping, dressing, robe fittings, socializing with snobby pure bloods that couldn’t see beyond the numbers of their bank accounts and pedigrees. Those holidays meant a drunk and short-tempered father, a cruel mother, a cowering Regulus and a tired and frustrated Sirius.


November 23th
I’m always so cold here. I absolutely hate the cold, as you know.
I keep thinking of curling up with you in our bed. I think of us fucking as your vanity mirror makes scandalized noises and the full-length narrates. I think it’s got an unhealthy fascination with your arse. Not that I can blame it is a lovely ass.

Let me stop with the talks of arses, there are kids about. They are quite a few about 14 if I counted right. From ages 2 all the way up to kids who are Hogwarts age. It’s so sad to see them living like this. I want t help them all but at this point in my life I cant even help myself.

Don’t let me get too melancholy. Stewing in sadness just wont do. Tell me what you have planned. Any holiday parties you’ve decided to go to?

Take care,


At 15 when Sirius managed to get himself blasted off the family tapestry he spent the holidays at school. It was the first year that Voldemort’s forces had been gaining power and in response mot parents kept their children at Hogwarts, the safest place during those tough times. The holiday was similar to an extended weekend - just with better food and a few gifts.

Last year, before Sirius and Remus had gotten their apartment together, they spent the holiday at Stone-Rose Hall, the Potter ancestral home with Lily, James and Harry and James’s parents Dorea and Charlus Potter. It had been a lovely Christmas with family, friends, good food, beautiful decorations and so much joy Sirius had damn near cried when it was time to leave. It was also the last time Sirius had seen any of the Potters alive. Charlus and Dorea were attacked in their home by death Eaters and James and Lily were whisked away t their safe house.


To the bastard who sheds all too much and better not be on my sofa,
Moony misses you. When I woke up the daft thing was about 40 km south of where I went to bed. He went looking for the other Marauders, and couldn’t find a one. but good thing to know is the Knight Bus had a branch even all the way out here in the boonies. It was a terrifying and yet joyful discovery.



This year James, Lily and Harry had to stay hidden away and so there would be no Potters to help celebrate this Christmas. Wormtail was around but he always visited his mother and sister for the holidays. It was supposed a simple quiet holiday just Remus and Sirius. A lovers Christmas in their new flat… That had been the plan before Remus had been deployed two months ago to only Merlin (and Dumbledore) knew where.

December 22
Thinking of you. I’ll be home as soon as I can. I’m leaving tonight
Don’t get a tree, I don’t want to be sweeping up pine needles for the next three months.

With Love,

Sirius groaned and curled around the sofa cushion, if it wasn’t for the fact that Remus absolutely hated dog hair on the sofa he’d have changed to Padfoot. Emotions sucked less as a dog. Things were simple and Sirius wouldn’t be tormented by all of the garland and tinsel he had hung the day before in preparation for the holiday.

“Well that’s not the most welcoming sound I’ve ever heard. I would think after almost three months you’d be happy to see me.”

The voice was accompanied by a thick-fingered hand carding through Sirius’ long dark hair. He knew that voice and he knew those fingers but still Sirius couldn’t had to crane his neck to be sure of who was petting him.

“Welcome home, Moony.”

Remus smiled and as always it lit up Sirius’ world. Remus’ honey brown eyes flashed with happiness, the little lines around his eyes crinkled, his lips stretched into their charmingly crooked smile. Remus bent at the waist and Sirius pushed up to meet him for a kiss. It was a simple sweet kiss, a welcome home, comfort and happiness in one gesture.

“I told you I’d be back in time for Christmas.” Remus adjusted the belt of his bathrobe and pushed some wet hair away from his face.

In the shower, that explained why he didn’t answer when Sirius came home. The younger man smiled and captured Remus’ hand in his own giving it a light squeeze. “I never doubted you for a minute.”

“Is that why you’ve already decorated and put box wolf’s bane by the door?”

Sirius laughed, low and deep as he pressed his nose into the nape of his lover’s neck taking in that scent that he’d been missing for so long. Remus smelled fresh and clean with that natural tang he always had. “Shut up, Remus… Just shut up.”

Sirius tugged the other man gently by the hand, drawing him down to the sofa.

“I’m just fine you know.” Remus chided as he sat down with his back resting on the arm of the sofa, Sirius slotting himself into the empty space around him like a perfect puzzle piece.

“I know.” Sirius muttered curling as close as he could, soaking in the warmth and presence of his lover.

With a wry smile Remus pressed his lips to the crown of dark curls on Sirius’ head, inhaling the scent of wind, gasoline and something that smelled kind of like finger paints. “I’m also nursing a quite severe case of blue balls as well, you know”

“I know.” Sirius responded with a wicked grin and let his head drop back onto Remus’ shoulder and closing his eyes and enjoying the moment of peace.

2013, rated pg, fic

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