Title: A Lie Gets Halfway Around the School Before the Truth Has a Chance to Get Its Pants On Author: midnitemaraud_r Recipient: fullmoon_dreams Rating: R
Your compliments will never cease to make me blush! ♥
I'll never be even remotely as creative as she, but she gave us such a rich, amazing, and completely daft world that I always feel it a shame when that aspect is ignored or downplayed. Even before I started to fall in love with the characters and the story itself, it was the magical world itself that drew me in and delighted me. Coming up with my own extensions and daft nonsense is, I suppose, my way of paying homage. :) (And it's why, while I don't hate them, I'm not as big a fan of non-magic AUs overall.)
Slughorn wasn't as difficult to write as I thought he'd be, but that line in particular that you highlighted - that's pretty much the epitome of the daft brilliance of JKR's magical world - the fact that that line is totally silly and contradictory, and yet not out of place. It's those little, minute details that I love to stick in. :-P
I love writing them at school and trying to come up with hare-brained schemes and scenarios. Then again, I tend to prefer the light-hearted stuff because it all goes to hell in a handbasket later and that breaks my heart. I love the canon, I really do, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to write a world in which they all live happily ever after - happily but not boringly though! Hee! Or at least one where they live. *snuggles them*
Thank you for your lovely comments, and for the rec! I'm so very glad you enjoyed it! ♥
I'll never be even remotely as creative as she, but she gave us such a rich, amazing, and completely daft world that I always feel it a shame when that aspect is ignored or downplayed. Even before I started to fall in love with the characters and the story itself, it was the magical world itself that drew me in and delighted me. Coming up with my own extensions and daft nonsense is, I suppose, my way of paying homage. :) (And it's why, while I don't hate them, I'm not as big a fan of non-magic AUs overall.)
Slughorn wasn't as difficult to write as I thought he'd be, but that line in particular that you highlighted - that's pretty much the epitome of the daft brilliance of JKR's magical world - the fact that that line is totally silly and contradictory, and yet not out of place. It's those little, minute details that I love to stick in. :-P
I love writing them at school and trying to come up with hare-brained schemes and scenarios. Then again, I tend to prefer the light-hearted stuff because it all goes to hell in a handbasket later and that breaks my heart. I love the canon, I really do, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to write a world in which they all live happily ever after - happily but not boringly though! Hee! Or at least one where they live. *snuggles them*
Thank you for your lovely comments, and for the rec! I'm so very glad you enjoyed it! ♥
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