Team: AU
Title: Sand Castles, Or The Lack Thereof
Rating: G
Warnings: Remus with body hair. He is a majestic, hairy beast. Oh yes.
Genre(s): Fluff/Romance
Summary: They've come such a long way this past year, Remus thinks, you would hardly recognize them for the shy, cringing boy freed from his relative's neglect and the broken man liberated from prison.
Notes: One of these drawings was inspired by, and subsequently very heavily referenced from a photo my mom took of me and my first step-dad. So though she'll never see this, thanks mom, for taking cool photos, raising me with love, and encouraging my pursuit of art. It's largely thanks to you that this drawing came to be. (Well, I guess past-me and my step dad helped by being good models, too.)
#20 - lyrics from 'Feeling Good' by Nina Simone
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