Team: AU
Title: A Little Death
Rating: R - NC-17
Warnings: Magical AU, skewed timeline for my own nefarious purposes; character death, violence, swearing, sexual innuendo; a Marauder take on Stand By Me.
Genre(s): Adventure, drama, fluff, humour, h/c, angst
Word Count: ~9k
Summary: During the summer holidays Sirius overhears his father and his cousin’s awful fiancé talking about abducting an illegal animagus. He and the Marauders set out to save the boy.
Notes: This is influenced by Stand by Me, but as far as I can make out it’s not a direct cross-over. Thank you to E who has really had to put up with a lot of crap from me trying to get this one right, and to L who put the polish on it. You are both brilliant :D
#25 - lyrics from 'Everyday a Little Death' by Stephen Sondheim
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