Title: The Line In The Sand
Team: Post Hogwarts
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: I'm mean. Also, AU.
Summary: Everyone does things they know they shouldn't. Sometimes, they even regret them. When Peter confessed to Sirius that he was a Death Eater, the world changed.
Prompt: "The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you."
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Comments 18
dear anonymous: i said that i was looking forward to your fic, and you didn't dissapoint! it was dark and painful, the ending is mostly happy, their friendship is on the mend, james is determined to kick the habit and remus and sirius are together, but it's all still uncertain in the long term, isn't it? and i felt so bad for sirius when james said that he wouldn't have made him harry's godfather if he knew about sirius being gay and when he found out about his disease... it's such an assholish thing to do, but... well, it wasn't a surprising reaction, considering the time.
Sirius grinned. "It's a tiara, as all good poofs know.
hee! and i have love for duck!remus. LOVE!
I really like your Peter and I think your charachtiation of James is both different as well remaing very cannon. I also like how you brought in Aids and Lupin's pack issues. I really liked this fic.
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