About Our Theme:
Music is what life sounds like. ~Eric Olson
Music is inspirational. It defines eras in our lives, keeps us in tune with our feelings, and sometimes it just plain makes us happy.
And in our estimation, the Marauders were no different.
Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you, following you right on up until you die. ~Paul Simon
If Remus and Sirius were moved by the music of their times, so should you be. Whether it be rock, classical, jazz, punk, disco, big band, show tunes, or whatever was on the radio at the time, we are all influenced by the music that surrounded us when we were young.
However, this is not about song fics. In fact, you will notice that there is no category for song fic at all. Music should be about mood and lyric and the way you feel when you hear a song played on a soft, summer night while gazing at the stars. It is about dance and motion and muse. It is rhythm, poetry - creation Rarely is it about direct interpretation of the songs themselves, but about the abstractions that they invoke.
Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. ~Charlie Parker
So we give you the music of the Marauders’ Era, and you simply let it inspire you. Fear not if you know nothing about music, hate the seventies, or haven’t the slightest clue as to who David Bowie might be. It’s not about the songs, the genres, the artists, or the lyrics, but about how they make you feel.
Music is life.
General Overview:
Get ready everybody, for RS_Games 2010! New and improved and better than ever!
The Games are about having fun, spreading the love of our favorite ship, friendly competition, and going for Puppyshippers’ gold.
Here is how it works: One team will be Canon Compliant and the other is AU. Each team will compete by creating the best fics and artwork possible for readers to vote upon. Works will be posted anonymously each day during the run of the Games, and readers will vote on each work. As with last year, there will be just one round to decide it all!
At the end of the Games, the winning team will be revealed but, as we see it, everyone is a winner. The public at large gets to read, view, and vote on the best fics and art works around, but the real fun is in the process of creating some wonderful R/S pieces to share!
Time Line:
Sign-ups begin on Saturday, June 1st and last through 11:59PM EST (like NYC) on Friday, June 11th. Watch the RS_Games site for the sign-up post.
Teams will be announced Tuesday, June 15th
Prompt table goes up Thursday, June 17th and closes at 11:59PM EST (like NYC) on Wednesday, June 23nd.
Works are due by 11:59 PM on Friday, September 24th EST (like NYC).
Posting begins Thursday, October 1 and run throughout the month.
The winning team will be revealed in early November.
Sign-up process:
Sign-ups begin on Monday, June 1st and will last until 11:59PM, EST on Friday, June 11th. Please watch this space for the post. Please use the following form to sign up:
User name:
Real name (optional):
Email contact:
It is important that we be able to contact you. If you have issues with email, please be sure that we can contact you by LJ PM.
Country/City/State (just to get an idea of your time zone):
Team Choice:
Note: No matter how hard we try to accommodate everyone, there is no guarantee that you will get the team of your choice. Obviously we will make every attempt to give players the team they want, but that is not always possible. If you are willing to play on either team, please note that and the Mods will be happy to assign you to the team who needs you most!
If we should get too many applicants we will hold a lottery (using a random number generator) to choose participants. Artists and writers will be held in separate lotteries and, as each name is chosen, we will fill up the teams based on the participant’s preference. If your first-choice team is filled when we draw your name, you will be placed on the other team. Also, we will hold a list of up to six alternates (or Pinch Hitters) for each team, so if you do not get chosen the first time, you may still get a chance to play. Please note, last year we had three Pinch Hitters per team and all were offered a spot.
Canon v. AU:
Generally, canon-compliant means following the standard canon events as seen in the books, and AU means everything deviating from that time line. But the key word is deviating. For the sake of the Games, the Black Family Tree IS included as canon, but not included are interviews and comments that JK Rowling has made outside of the books. For example, just because JKR once mentioned that James paid for Remus’ expenses after graduation from Hogwarts does not mean that a fic is AU if Sirius does it. This is nothing against JKR, it is simply for the sake of definition here.
The Harry Potter Lexicon -
http://www.hplex.info/index-2.html - is a good resource if you have questions about what may or may constitute canon. Here is a useful time line:
http://www.hplex.org/timelines/timeline.php?startyear=1960&endyear=1998There is also the HP Wiki for Sirius:
http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Sirius_BlackAnd Remus:
http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Remus_Lupin By contrast, AU means intentionally outside of the traditional, canon time line or known events. Canon can include plausible aberrations. Obviously, there is a lot that we do not know to be factual canon, but that does not mean it could not have happened. (In fact, if you think about it, this whole ship is that way.) For example, we don’t really know if Remus and Sirius lived together after leaving Hogwarts, so it’s acceptable for canon if they do (or don’t.) Neither do we know if the two of them communicated between the incident in the Shrieking Shack and Lie Low at Lupins era, so that is fine either way, too. Basically, if there is no proof that it did not happen and it does not interfere with the known time line, it could be canon and it is fine.
Another way of looking at it is this: it is canon as long as what happens does not affect the standard timel ine or known event outcomes. For example, you want Sirius and Remus to visit France in the June of 1979? Fine. We have no proof that they did or did not do that. But if you want them to visit France in June of 1996 it would mean that they missed the Battle at the Ministry and Sirius did not die and that would be AU. Or if they visit the planet Pandora to mine for Unobtainium, it’s AU anyway you look at it.
Non-magic and historical AU are fine, too. However, if you write a sweeping saga of the Marauders’ Sixth Year and fail to include the Willow Prank it is not AU unless the whole focus is what would have happened had that not ever taken place.
If you have questions or doubts as to what is AU and what is canon, you can ask a Mod or create a community-based discussion. Basically, think of it as a wide canvas rather than a bewildering maze of nitpicking details. Just because you inadvertently include Arthur Weasley in a scene during Christmas of OotP (when he was supposed to be in the hospital) does not make it AU unless the rest of the timeline changes. But if Arthur dies and Remus and Sirius adopt Ron? Well, believe it or not that would be AU.
General Game Rules:
1. The stories will be a minimum of 1,500 words and, while there is no maximum, please be mindful of long posts. As with last year, we are planning to post on DW which gives us plenty of room to post huge fics. However, all posts have their limits and excessively long fics might still be need to be divided. If this becomes necessary, we ask that you establish the line of division yourself.
2. Art has no size requirements, but keep in mind the size of most people’s computer screens, etc. If it’s too big it can become unwieldy, and people will have trouble viewing it.
3. A list of prompts will be posted and each participant must choose one prompt from the list. The prompt table will appear on June 17th and you will have until 11:59PM EST (like NYC) on June 23rd to make your choice. If you are going to be out of computer range during that time, please see a Mod and we would be happy to work with you.
4. Whether you are team Canon or Team AU, works should be labeled as one (or more) of the following genres. Please note, these categories will be used for organizational purposes only and not used as a basis for voting.
a. Angst
b. Fluff/Romance
c. Hurt/Comfort
d. Horror/Adventure
f. Humor/Crack
e. Smut
5. All works must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Friday, September 24th EST and will be screened and posted by Mods. If you think that you are going to miss the deadline, please see your Team Captain or a Mod to arrange a Pinch Hit. Missed deadlines will result in elimination or, if you wish, you may apply for an extension. But there is a catch: two points will be deducted for each day you are late. So if your work were to earn an overall eighteen (out of twenty) points, it would only be worth sixteen and so forth.
6. All fics and art must be rated. Ratings in the community will go from "G” (or “all ages") to "NC-17” (or “18+”). Obviously, this community will contain fictional works involving same-sex relationships between fictional characters. If you are bothered by that concept please do not enter. While there are no official rules against (properly labeled) adult themes and material, please be aware that this is a game opened to everyone and the more general the access, the more votes you will get. Choosing to write NC-17 might seriously decrease readership. The same is true for non-consensual sex and other controversial themes. Please see the “Ratings Guide” section” below for more information.
7. All fics should be beta’d and, to be fair, it is best that all fics appear similar in format. We prefer that you use either Arial or Times New Roman in a plain, 10-point font. However, if font appearance or size is somehow integral to the story, please just let us know that. Obviously, letters, notes and other text-within-text situations are exceptions, but please put in the coding yourself. If you have questions about how to code we will happily provide a guideline or you can ask a Mod or community member.
8. Posts will be accomplished by the Mods and all you have to do is prepare your work and email it to: rs_games1@yahoo.com. You may submit any time before the deadline, and you should receive a confirmation email within twenty-four hours of submission. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact a Mod.
When you send your email please include your user name, team, and the title of your work in the subject line. This makes it easier for the mods to organize. Also, please include the text of the story and/or a copy (or link) to the artwork . You may send it either as an attachment or in the body of the email. Please the following form as a header both in the work and in the email:
Your user name (will be deleted before posting):
Word Count:
Fic/Art Below:
Your name and team will be removed before posting and a general disclaimer will appear on the site.
The “warnings” space is mostly optional, especially for “G” rated fics (please see Ratings Guide), but it is best if you warn your audience about anything that might be potentially adult-related. Warnings might include everything from swearing to frottage to character death to non-consensual sex. However, for the sake of expediency, let’s just assume that things like “boy kissing” and “same-sex romance” are givens. This is Remus and Sirius, after all!
There is no space for thanking your beta because, whilst your beta might be the most awesome person on earth, his or her name might just give away your identity. If you really wish to thank that person, you can use their initials and thank them in the “Notes” section.
9. Entries will be judged in the following manner:
Is the author/artist true to their team? Yes/No vote ("yes" is worth 2 points, "no" is worth 0)
How well did the author/artist use their Prompt? 1 to 9 (1 being the least)
How much did you like this story/art overall? 1 to 9 (1 being the least)
Your final score will be an average of all the votes and poll results will remain hidden. You will not get to see your scores, but you will be allowed to see all comments. Flaming is not allowed and all offensive/hurtful comments will be removed. If, as a participant, you find a comment that you consider hurtful or rude, please let a mod know immediately. Again, flaming and rudeness will not be tolerated.
Voting is open to the public, but team members and Mods cannot vote. We do, however, encourage all participants to comment on works and pimp the Games as much as possible. Remember, all works are posted anonymously, so we ask you to honor that and not pimp your work on your own journal by revealing what you created. Pimp the Games, pimp works you love, encourage people to read your team’s works, but please do not cheat and reveal yourself before reveals. All votes are averaged so it does not matter as much how many people vote for any particular story or artwork, but it is nice to get as many votes as possible.
Overall team scores will be posted by the Mods at the end of the Games.
10. Each team will have a home community in which to gather and make decisions. (The first of these decisions is to choose and vote on a Team Captains.) This community is also your place to plan battle strategies and support each other as teammates. Such support can come in the form of brainstorming, canon/AU discussions, posting work samples, cheerleading, beta help, and the collective support needed to win the PuppyShippers Gold. The teams can also use these private communities to enlist the support of and ask questions to our most excellent Mod team.
Ratings Guide
All fics and art must be rated. This rating need not be announced when you choose your prompt/genre, but must be included in the description of the work when you post. Ratings in the community will go from “G” (or “all ages") to "NC-17” or (“18+".) Obviously, this community contains fictional works involving same-sex relationships between fictional characters, but please keep in mind that these posts will be read by people of varying ages and sensibilities.
It is also essential that we remain within LJ guidelines. Adult rated art/fan fiction must be F-LOCKED and flagged as “Adult Content”. You will need to join the community as well as watch it in order to see it. Even team community NC-17 posts (should there be any) must also be flagged “Adult Content.”
These are just simple guidelines and we have made attempts to combine American and UK-type guidelines. Nothing is set is stone, but please keep in mind that the idea behind this is to be safe and follow LJ standards. Therefore, when in doubt, please choose the higher category. If you have any questions, please ask one of your friendly, helpful Mods!
G (All ages) - This is the most tame category. Think of it as something that you might let ten-year-old see. Fics from childhood/early years (without abuse) might fall into this category, and art in which (fully clothed) characters are not touching in any sexual manner would also be “G”.
PG (acceptable for 12 and up) - This can be slightly racier or more violent than G. Think of it as kissing (probably no tongue), pulling a simple prank against another person, mild angst, possibly a slightly scary situation, etc. All characters would be fully clothed here, and nobody would die. Visually, there may be very little difference between “PG” and “G.”
PG-13 (acceptable for 14 and up) - This is one notch up from PG and can include kissing, making out (without genital touching), implied sex, implied abuse, non-graphic violence (dueling without Unforgivable curses, tons of blood/pain, etc.), drinking, mild swearing, character death due to natural causes or “off screen” character death, and general angst, etc. This category can also include partial nudity (chests, back, nothing below the waist, etc.)
R (acceptable for 18 and up) - As far as fics, this category includes sexual acts (oral sex, frottage, masturbation, descriptions of nudity, etc), heavy drinking, drug use, excessive language, violence (blood, pain, Unforgivable Curses, etc.), thoughts of suicide, self-harm, murder, character death due to violent causes, etc. Visually, this would include implied sex (hands under clothing), butt shots, etc.
Note: it has been suggested that any sexual activity involving characters under the age of consent, should fall into this category at the very least.
NC-17 (hardcore) - Think graphic here! This includes graphic sexual acts (anal penetration, bondage, S&M, etc.), graphic violence (blood, gore, etc.) This would also be the category for anything that clearly shows/describes genitals. Just to be safe, any visual representation of acts from the “R” category should probably be NC-17.