Day 25 - Fic: Team Place: I Should Tell You

Nov 04, 2016 12:11

Team: Place

Title: I Should Tell You

Rating: Teen

Warnings: None

Word Count: 2600

Summary: Because of a pureblood relative visiting, Sirius can’t stay at James’s for the full summer. Or, well, he could, but it would end in disaster. So Sirius stays with Remus. But: Remus is going to Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival. Sirius ends up accompanying him.

Notes: Young Americans is a song by David Bowie. Waverley Station in Edinburgh is the only train station in the world named after a book. The musical the boys see is RENT! for which there are some spoilers in here. If you don’t know it, have a listen, because it is perfection. The song at the end is called Take Me Or Leave Me, and it’s also from RENT! Brownie points for those of you who know why I picked the Elephant House.

Prompt: #60 - "Who am I? I’m just a writer. I write things down.

I walk through your dreams and invent the future. Sure,

I sink the boat of love, but that comes later. And yes, I swallow

glass, but that comes later.

And the part where I push you

flush against the wall and every part of your body rubs against the bricks,

shut up

I’m getting to it."

- Richard Siken, Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out

I Should Tell You

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