Team: Place
Title: Grim Winter Was Howlin'
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1500
Summary: Remus goes to stay with his parents for two weeks. Sirius is distressed.
Notes: I used
this generator to create the text messages. This is a modern era (but not muggle) AU in which the events of HP are largely irrelevant. Regulus lives. The song Sirius quotes at James and which incidentally also lends its name to this fic, is Grim Winter Was Howlin' written by Charles Gray in the early 19th century. The two photos in the last text message are taken by me. This was checked over by D, who also encouraged the choice of title. Blame D, not me. ;)
Prompt: #35 -
Image of a phone screen with text messages Grim Winter Was Howlin' Please Vote Below:
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