Team: Time
Title: The Past, the Future and the Present Moment
Rating: PG
Warnings: time travel logic
Word Count: 4200
Summary: As Remus is putting Teddy to bed, he sees a young Sirius Black in his window. A time travel accident brings a 19 year old Sirius and 38 year old Remus face to face. One is filled with hope for the future, the other with burdens of the past; their meeting will help them both.
Notes: Thank you to the mods for such an inspired theme and to Team Time for all the encouragement. And thank you to B for the beta. I tried to make time travel logic consistent to keep story canon, and I hope it worked.
Prompt: #69 - "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." - the Buddha
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