Team: Time
Title: Parlor Trick Magic and Other Trivialities
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, very brief mentions of abuse, brief mention of smoking, implied/referenced sex
Genre: Alternate Universe, Fluff
Word Count: 17,000
Summary: Magic glimmers in each of their eyes as for the first time they truly meet and suddenly realize maybe, perhaps, one
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The bits of magic was so nicely done,I was a little surprised in a good way to see it,the subtle way of writing it without telling us that there's magic from the beginning was so nice!!
'Sirius is being the most gentlemanly umbrella mate there could possibly be and melting the frigid ice around Remus' heart at the same time' is such a sweet sweet line,I couldn't help smiling at this!
All their fumbling around and their relationship in the alternate universe/(verses?),the moments,gosh!Every one of them were such great ideas. The corset one was entertaining mainly because of the class difference you could feel from just one scene and it broke my heart for Remus but Sirius, bless him and his charm, made up for it!! The pirate one was just supppperb,I can just imagine them dressed in that eras outfits and am loving it!!
Though to be honest, nothing made me want to hug Remus more than him thinking he is stronger than armadas! It's just too cute!!! His reaction to adult life is so perfect, I kind of want to pat him and say 'I feel you, bro.'
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