Team: Muggle
Title: Static
Rating: PG
Warnings: A sad lack of bare bottoms on display.
Image Count: 53
Summary: They have begun to read the patterns in the sound of static.
Notes: Thank you to everyone who helped this comic along on its way. Big thanks to the mods, for organising this fest in the first place and then putting up with my disgustingly late self. Thank you to H for being the most wonderful team captain and weekly whinging partner, even when I did leave you hanging towards the end. Thanks to ALL the agents for all their usual cheerleading, you lot are ridiculous and supportive in all of the best ways. And finally, for B, because I am so excited you made art this year, and you just remind me of why I love these two so much, again and again.
16 - "Wind in the Wires" by Patrick Wolf
Static Poll RS Games 2014