Team: Post-Hogwarts
Title: Stalking Memories
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: You should have told me it wasn't forever.
Notes: Thanks so much to the Agents, the mods, and everyone in my team. You guys are amazing.
38 - “April is the cruelest month, breeding
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Comments 23
That is somewhat embarrassing for me, but proves that you are a wonderful artist. To display so much emotion in a picture is difficult but you've made it appear easy.
I loved the glimpses between the past and present (even though they hurt). It was a brilliant idea, even though it made me so so sad for Remus.
And I feel the need for capitals here - OMG THE TABLE SCENE. That's where the tears really got me. It's amazing because you can't see his eyes, but the other details like his mouth and body position and the photos on the's just so powerful, and kudos to you for doing that.
Great work. I really did love this (despite the tears ;P) and I will be sure to check out any of your past or possible future works (hoping there is some LOL)
GOD!THAT CAKE SCENE!! This is where I cry and never come out from under my blanket! :(!But I will,for a bit,to complete my rant on this beautiful piece of work!
And for whatever part Sirius was there,he was well done too!!I adore your drawing skills! ;)
love how young and happy he and sirius look in the flashback panels and how young remus still looks in the later ones, but still older and more sad. like, young!remus' nose is rounded! and older!remus' nose isn't. how do you do it. i don't know.
the black/white worked very well here, it gave the entire thing a feel of old photographs/silent movie. very neat. ♥
seriously that was rather heart-wrenching. i felt so sorry for poor remus all alone like that on a day that he should be celebrating and having fun. what made it all the more moving were the flashback scenes and how beautiful and happy they once were.
well, they're still beautiful. just sad.
this was really gorgeous!
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