Team: Post-Hogwarts
Title: In Other Words (I Love You)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some schmoop, probably a few clichés, and several references to one Mr. Frank Sinatra.
Word Count: ~14,000
Summary: When Sirius wakes up the morning after Frank and Alice Longbottom’s wedding, there are several thoughts vying for attention in the early morning fog of his brain. I am never drinking again, weddings are utterly insane, and fuck I would kill for cup of coffee right now are discarded, however, when Sirius’s eye lands on five inky-black letters scrawled on his forearm.
Notes: In the process of writing this fic I found myself drawn to certain genres of music that seem to have worked themselves into the story. As a result I’ve built a soundtrack that you can listen to
here if you would like. Thank you to the Mods for running this fest and to my fellow teammates for being awesome and last, but not least, thank you to the amazing and talented P for being not only a wonderful beta but a wonderful friend. Go Team Dirty Old Men!!!
21 Picture of a wedding cake with two grooms on top
In Other Words (I Love You) Poll RS Games 2013