Reveals Party!!

Nov 17, 2012 20:55

Remus adjusted his reading spectacles and sighed. “It’s so close, Pads,” he muttered. “This story just never ends.” He tapped his quill impatiently on the table, frowning at the parchment in front of him before scratching out another figure and starting over.

Sirius, who’d been busy adjusting his dress robes in the hallway mirror, merely laughed. Pointing to the four women waiting impatiently on the sofa he grinned and said, “I told you, Moony, leave the maths to the Muggles. They look pretty competent. I’m quite sure they know what they’re doing.” Turning to face the ladies on the couch, he flashed them an ultra-charming grin. “No offense, ladies,” he drawled. “But you know what I mean.”

“Of course we’re competent,” grumbled pica_scribit “We’ve been over the figures dozens and dozens of times! And, besides, I adore statistics!”

Sirius shook his head in disbelief. “How could anyone seriously enjoy statistics?” he wondered aloud.

“I enjoy statistics,” broke in Remus. “And I utterly trust these fine ladies. I just wanted to… you know… see for myself. ”

“And of course we let him have at it,” said cackling_madly. “It was only polite.”

Sirius nodded sagely. He’d been in that situation many times before. “Same old story…” he murmured under his breath.

“So,” said brighty18, “Are we set, then? I know our math is correct, but I want to make sure everyone is comfortable before we leave for the Reveals Celebration.” She looked around the room and offered a small smile to the two men.

“And we are running late for the party,” added whitestar_alpha pointing to her watch.

“Fine, then,” said Sirius, flipping his long, dark hair over his shoulder. “I’m more than ready to go forgo the boring part of the story and skip straight to the ‘happily ever after’ part. You know, the part in which we go to a party.”

“When are you not ready to go to a party, Padfoot?” chuckled Remus, picking up his cloak.

Sirius opened his mouth to reply but snapped it shut as brighty18 marshaled the group over to the shiny, silver Christian Louboutin stiletto that would serve as tonight’s portkey. “It’s a waste of good footwear,” she mumbled, but was shushed as everyone reached for the shoe.

Moments later the four Mods and two Wizards found themselves in a brightly-lit ballroom surrounded by floating candles, magicked balloons, and, most importantly, over four dozen anxious fan-girls and boys who broke into immediate applause at the sight of Remus and Sirius.

“Welcome to the Reveals Party of RS_Games 2012!” bellowed Sirius to another round of applause.

But Remus just cleared his throat and looked shyly down at the scrap of parchment crumpled in his hand.

“Well…?” asked a smartly-dressed Games Participant. “Who won?”

“Erm…” began Remus. He paused for a moment and unrolled his parchment. “And the winner of RS Games 2012 is…


“It was very close, though,” added Sirius, winking at a cute little Muggle who’d pushed her way to the front of the circle.

And, dear friends, it was incredibly close. As Remus mentioned earlier, it was an exciting tale, filled with twists and turns and no small measure of points deductions for late entries. That said, the final results were as follows…

Team Sirius had a raw score of 419.019, which came to 399.019 after points deductions, whilst Team Remus had a raw score of 411.515 and an adjusted score of 398.015. This means that Team Sirius entries averaged 17.459 per entry before deductions (and 16.626 after) and Team Remus averaged 17.146 per entry before deductions (and 16.584 after). In other words, it was very, very close.

“But to us, everyone is a winner!” said Sirius as he poured champagne into his lover’s glass. “And everything you created was stupendous!”

“Here here!” cried Remus, raising his glass. “A toast to the beautiful book of fairytales, legends, and myths you all created! You are the authors of our mythology!”

“And illustrators!” added Sirius before a round of applause.

“And,” said a Mod, “there really is a book!” Above her head appeared dozens of sparkling gifts which zoomed around the room for a moment before each found its participant.

* Team Remus Stories ebook
* Team Sirius Stories ebook
* Team Remus & Team Sirius Art ebook

And now, on to the Awards…

First we have the Special Awards…

The Fred Savage, Faithful Listener Award for Non-Participants Who Participate. Remember the movie The Princess Bride? Who was the story for in the first place and who tied it all together with his questions and commentary? Yes, every storyteller needs an audience, for the impact of the tale is just as powerful for the listener as for the reader. And where would the Games be without our Faithful Readers and Commenters? This award is for the non-Games participant who gives good comment, supported The Games, and truly loves Remus/Sirius.
bookgrrrl2006: Your Award
mommyconk: Your Award
mrs_jack_turner: Your Award

The Arthur Pendragon Award for Heroism: Granted, the stories vary, but King Arthur is credited with everything from fighting dragons and divine boars to uniting Briton under a single rule. In most versions he creates the Knights of the Round Table, gains possession of the magical sword, Excalibur, searches for the Holy Grail, and establishes a peaceful rule for all people. And, all the time, was a fair and dedicated friend and companion to his friends and fellow knights. Anyway you look at it, Arthur was a busy guy. We have this in the Games, too. This award is for someone on your team who had the strength and the stamina to go above and beyond the call of duty. It might be the person who posted lots of ideas on the Team Community, wrote tons of recommendations, pimped the Games everywhere, organized a team game or function, collected recs for the Daily Snitch, or in any way proved to be a kick-arse team member who really kept things moving.
dustmouth: Your Award
epithalamium: Your Award
mutuisanimis: Your Award
queenkerosene: Your Award

The Fairy Godmother Award for Unselfishly Saving the Day: In many versions of the story, Cinderella had a Fairy Godmother who swooped in at the last minute and saved the day, and many of us read this and wished we had one of our own. But maybe we do? This award goes to someone on your team who went out of their way help others, etc. It could be the person who offered a last minute beta to someone who was without, gave great constructive criticism to save a story, stepped in at the last minute to do a Pinch Hit, or anything else that you think saved the day.
adistantsun: Your Award
pavlablack: Your Award

The Samwise Gamgee Award for Cheerful Support: In the LOTR trilogy, Samwise faithfully follows his friend Frodo all the way to Mordor and back, fighting spiders and orcs and generally being helpful. But, more than just being brave, Samwise was a true friend and supporter. And we all have friends and supporters in The Games, too. This award is for someone on your team who was always helpful, open-minded, sunny, and positive. This could be for the person who helped smooth out a tense situation, kindly helped a fellow team-member though a rough patch in the creative process, or just always had a kind word of cheer for others. This person is the ultimate cheerleader who is always compassionate, supports others, and gives good comment.
dustmouth: Your Award
epithalamium: Your Award
nathaniel_hp: Your Award
rewrites24: Your Award

The Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, Award for Artistic Achievement: In Greek mythology Iris was a messenger of the gods who told her stories visually as well as orally. Iris was the goddess of the rainbow who created incredible beauty for all to see. And, of course, there are many people we know who create such beauty. This award is for someone on your team who exemplified outstanding achievement in art, icons, and banners.
epithalamium: Your Award
rewrites24: Your Award

Next, we have the Awards for Top Commenters:
As far as teams are concerned, we are sorry to say that this time, folks, it wasn’t even close. We would like to create a mythology that says it was a tight race, but Team Sirius took this one with 306 comments to Team Remus’s 203.

“Of course, my Team has more to say! They’re just like me! See, there’s even truth in fairytales,” laughed Sirius. He was on his fourth glass of champagne and feeling fantastic.

“Shut it, Padfoot,” Remus retorted with a grin. “Everyone knows your love of your own voice is legendary.”

“Be that as it may,” broke in a Mod, “the following people left the the most comments of all, and they need to email us their addresses to claim a special prize."

dustmouth, eprime, mutuisanimis, phoenixdust, rewrites24, and, despite the fact it was meant to be the top commenters from the winning team, we owe it to pavlablack as well!

“And brighty18 made them!” whispered cackling_madly.

Finally, we have the First and Second Place Awards…

First Place:
adistantsun: Your 1st Award | Your 2nd Award
ardentlyburning: Your Award
calico_lupin: Your Award
damascened: Your Award
dogsunderfoot: Your Award
dustmouth: Your Award
epithalamium: Your Award
eprime: Your Award
heartirane: Your Award
hgregwallflower: Your Award
illittorate: Your Award
may_g: Your Award
milzilla: Your Award
mindabbles: Your Award
mustntgetmy: Your Award
mutuisanimis: Your Award
olivier_dathos: Your Award
phoenixdust: Your Award
queenkerosene: Your Award
rewrites24: Your Award
so_jayded: Your Award
thesiriusmoon: Your Award
toujours_nigel: Your Award

Second Place:
acidbathory: Your Award
bearshorty: Your Award
calembours: Your Award
carmentakoshi: Your Award
cherrybomb213: Your Award
deathjunke: Your Award
dragon_gypsy: Your Award
edgewareroad: Your Award
grandilloquism: Your Award
hazelnut917: Your Award
kath_ballantyne: Your Award
ladonnaerrante: Your Award
llassah: Your Award
myownmuggle: Your Award
nathaniel_hp: Your Award
pavlablack: Your Award
phiso_kun: Your Award
shira_a: Your Award
shutupeccles: Your Award
snuffleslove: Your Award
thehubishome: Your Award
themessrs: Your Award
trisstiss: Your Award
yndigot: Your Award

The party lasted into the night, though at one point Remus looked thoughtful and shyly approached a Mod saying, “The party is lovely and all, but I’m dying to know who wrote what.”

“Oh, the Master List,” she slurred drunkenly. “It’s right here…”

And so our tale comes to an end, with awards and prizes for all. As we’ve said myriad times before, as we see it, EVERYONE is a winner. You all worked hard to create beautiful stories and art that will forever be a part of the mythology of Remus and Sirius, and you all deserve much love and beauty for your efforts.

This was a fantastic year and, hopefully, everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves. We know we did! At this point you are free to repost your work anywhere and everywhere, and the Mods will go back though the Games posting and add your names so that everyone, everywhere can see what wonderful things you accomplished. Also, watch the Team Community space for an eval post that will be up shortly. You’re all brilliant and we love each and every one of you! Thanks for making this a great Games!


The Mods: brighty18, cackling_madly, pica_scribit, and whitestar_alpha

The Wizards: Sirius and Remus

reveals, rs_games 2012, mod post

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