Day 26 - Fic: Team Sirius: Elegy of the Spheres

Oct 26, 2012 11:50

Team: Sirius
Title: Elegy of the Spheres
Rating: R
Warnings: Astrophysics. Playing fast and loose with the laws of science. Technically character death, not that it stops anyone. Background Remus/Tonks. Language and sexual content.
Word Count: ~48,000
Summary: "It's like falling asleep," he said. "Then you wake up." Sirius Black's awesome (posthumous) adventures in space.
Notes: This leviathan would be a crumpled heap on my living room floor without the encouragement and critical eye of Miss M - you are the definition of Magnificent ♥. My deepest gratitude to everyone who held my hand through this, friends and fellow Siriusiders alike, Miss R, Miss Here & There, and to the mods for their saintly levels of patience. To any physicists in the house, you have all my awe and respect!
Chapter titles and bookend quotes from 'The First Elegy' by Rainer Maria Rilke. Section titles from 'The Milky Way' by Zachris Topelius, and OotP. Relevant dialogue in section 10 from DH.
Prompt: 5 - Tarot Card: the Moon (picture)

Elegy of the Spheres

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