With one week of posting already behind us, we decided to take a break in posting to let people catch up. So go ahead and read, comment and please don't forget to vote!
Regular posting resumes tomorrow, meanwhile, here are the contributions so far:
Team Remus
Where Do We Go Now (But Nowhere)? (R)
Inferno (PG-13)
flash/back (R)
Leave my Body to Silence (PG-13)
Crossroads (PG-13)
From Moon to Moon (T)
Follow Your Own Tracks (PG-13)
Team Sirius
Ernie Ecklestein and the Completely Useless Trip (NC-17)
A Bit of Borrowed Warmth (R)
Terrain of Cruelty (R)
Motorways (G)
Tabula Rasa (PG-13)
Gentlemen of the Road (PG-13)
Shadow of a Doubt (G)