And The Winner Is...

Nov 16, 2010 15:19

“So, Moony, how does my arse look in these trousers?”

Remus peered down at his lover’s leather-clad butt, a hint of a smile playing across his lips. “I dread to tell you this for fear of swelling your ego, but you look spectacular.”

“My ego is not what’s going to be swelling, love,” began Sirius, but he was soon silenced by the press of Remus’ lips to his own. “Mmmm, Moony, we're going to be late,” he huffed half-heartedly as Remus nibbled at the hollow of this throat.

Remus reluctantly pulled back. “What time does the concert begin, again?” he asked.

“It’s not a concert; it’s a party.”

“Party? You said something about Bob Marley, Joe Strummer, and John Lennon. Isn’t it a concert?”

Sirius barked out a laugh. “No, it’s a party to celebrate a bunch of writers and artists who used those people as inspiration to write about us. Does that make more sense? Besides, in case you hadn’t noticed Bob Marley, Joe Strummer, and John Lennon are all dead!”

Remus punched Sirius playfully on the shoulder. “As are we, in case you hadn’t noticed. And it hasn’t stopped us much, has it?”

“Point well taken.”

“So,” asked Remus, after a few minutes of comfortable silence, “what is the point of this nonsense?”

“It’s not nonsense, it’s the rs_games, a bunch of fangirls (and maybe even fanboys) who enjoy writing about us. You know, our trials and tribulations, our funny moments…” He shot his boyfriend a near-predatory grin. “Our very active sex life.”

Remus winced. Honestly, the thought of other people writing about his sex life made him want to crawl in a hole and die. But, being that he was already dead, he decided it was best to just grin and bear it. “So what, precisely, is our role here?” he asked.

“Besides being their muse?” laughed Sirius.


“Well, we’re meant to…”

Suddenly three women clutching laptop computers appeared in front of them.

“You’re meant to party and have fun,” said basisers_gais.

“Not to mention to be an inspiration to us all,” added cacklesthewitch.

“And, said brighty18 with unnecessary drama, “You get the privilege of announcing which Team won First Place!”

“Excellent!” cried Sirius.

“That’s it?” grumbled an exasperated Remus. “You dragged us all the way here to make an announcement?” Honestly, he could have just as easily stayed home and made love to his boyfriend.

“We have beer, wine, and alcohol. That might help,” suggested basisers_gais.

“And some really great food,” cacklesthewitch added.

“And… erm… other such things,” said brighty18, raising her right eyebrow pointedly.

Sirius’ face broke into a huge grin, but Remus still looked doubtful. “Come on, Moony,” Sirius whined. “It’s a party! It’ll be fun.”

Remus rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. Of course, Sirius wanted to be the center of attention - and the beer and food and “other things,” would only add fuel to the fire. “Well… I suppose…” he began, but Sirius was already reaching for the envelope and ripping into it excitedly.

“Oh!” he exclaimed. “And the winner of RS_Games 2010 is…”

Team Canon!!!!!

Yes, by only 2.256 points, Team Canon squeaked by to defeat Team AU in one of the closest Games yet.

Each team, however, did an incredible job and big congratulations goes out to all the teams and participants. Rumor has it that this year produced some of the best stories and art we've seen in fandom and the voters and commenters all seemed to really enjoy it. As we’ve said before, in our eyes, everyone is a winner.

”Here here!” Sirius interrupted.

Remus gave his lover a sharp elbow to the ribs. “Hush, Padfoot, it’s their moment to shine.”

“Sorry, mates,” mouthed Sirius with what he hoped was a devastatingly dashing wink.

For those into statistics, Team Canon had a final score of 542.86 and each work averaged 17.511612 points. Meanwhile, Team AU had a final score of 540.604 and an average score per work of 17.438839 points. Do you see what we mean by close, now?

For the sake of people’s feelings, we are not revealing individual scores, but we will tell you this: the five hightest-rated works were created by archduck, dear_tiger, elessae, pica_scribit, and whitmans_kiss. (FYI, those are merely in alpha order and do not indicate any other sort of value.) Also, the difference between the highest and lowest score was less than 3.678 points. In other words, everyone did well and was in the same range.

So enough of about numbers, let’s get to the fun stuff. There was so much great art and fiction, we are sure that you’d like to know who did what, right? Well, presenting the Master List

“MasterWhat?, asked Sirius, swallowing a mouthful of beer. “See, Moony, this could be more fun that you thought!” he set down his mug and reached for the buckle of his belt.

Remus rolled his eyes and swatted Sirius’ hand away from his fly. “Master LIST, you dirty mutt! Get your mind out of the gutter. It’s a list of all the works posted including authors and artists.”

“Oh,” muttered Sirius with obvious disappointment. “I thought…”

“Yes, I know what you thought,” laughed Remus.

Note: Now that the Master List has been posted, you are free to re-post your story or artwork on your journal or anywhere you wish. You are also free to respond to any and all comments on the rs_games post.

And, of course, no awards ceremony would be complete without the awards themselves. Below are your banners! But before we get to that, there are some Special Awards to be presented. These were voted upon by your teammates (and, on one case, members of the opposite team) and are intended to honor people who went out of their way to make the Games successful. Please note, some people were nominated over and over again for multiple awards but we wanted to spread the wealth around, so only certain awards (Paul McCartney and John Lennon) could be won by a person who’d already received an award.

So, without further ado, the Awards:

The Joe Strummer Award for Enthusiasm and Love of Ship: This is for the non-Games participant who gives good comment, and truly loves R/S.

bookgrrrl2006: Your Award
carmentakoshi: Your Award
iheartremus09: Your Award
mommyconk: Your Award
secretsolitaire: Your Award
werewolfsfan: Your Award

The Jimmy Page Award for Being Kick Arse: This award is for someone on your team who had the strength and the stamina to go above and beyond the call of duty.

ceredwensirius: Your Award
chou_rei: Your Award
ohkaye: Your Award

The James Brown (Saves Boston) Award: This award goes to someone on your team who went out of their way to help others.

dear_tiger: Your Award
phiso_kun: Your Award
remuslives23: Your Award
whitmans_kiss: Your Award

The Bob Marley “One Love” Award: This award is for someone on your team who was always sunny and happy and positive.

dogsunderfoot: Your Award
missgryff: Your Award
pandapens: Your Award

The Paul McCartney Award for Visual Arts: This award is for someone on your team who exemplified outstanding achievement in art, icons, and banners.

deathjunke: Your Award
dreaminginblack: Your Award
epithalamium: Your Award
inverts: Your Award
whitmans_kiss: Your Award

The John Lennon “Give Peace a Chance” Award: This award is for the person on the other team who seemed to comment the most on opposite team works or best exemplified inter-team friendships.

ceredwensirius: Your Award
epithalamium: Your Award
eprime: Your Award
museme87: Your Award
phiso_kun: Your Award

The Joey Ramone Award for Team Spirit: This award is for the person on your own team who thoroughly personifies team spirit.

archduck: Your Award
ceredwensirius: Your Award
deathjunke: Your Award
eprime: Your Award
inverts: Your Award
pica_scribit: Your Award
protegonox: Your Award

As for the First and Second Place Awards, members of Team Canon can retrieve their awards at the gallery here. Team AU, your awards can be found here.

And, finally, some big thank you’s. First, our enormous gratitude goes out to epithalamium for creating this year’s fantastic theme art.

“My hair has never looked so good,” Sirius cried, holding up his beer mug as if in a toast.

“See what I mean about swelling egos?” Remus laughed. Still, he had to privately admit that the outfit she gave him was fabulous.

A special thanks goes to the Team Captains, who took on the task of rallying the troops and kept the team communities active.

Next, a HUGE thank you to ceredwensirius, remuslives23, and werewolfsfan (and, in fact, all of Team AU) for helping us coordinate with the daily_snitch. We were featured prominently this year and that says a lot. Thanks, ladies!

And, most of all, a HUGE thanks to all of our participants. You are what these Games are all about and you’re ALL winners as far we can tell. We hope you had as much fun as we did and that we can all meet again next year. Comment/suggestion posts will be appearing in the Team Communities so that you can share your thoughts about what you liked best and what we can do better! We love you all! See you next year!

“I have a comment!” cried Sirius drunkenly. “I suggest we all get naked!”

Remus chuckled and reached for another canapé. “Why don’t we wait ‘till we get home for that?”

“Aw, come on, Moony, you’re no fun…”


Your Mods,

basisers_gais, brighty18, and cacklesthewitch

announcements, awards, rs_games 2010

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