Fedora 6 release was postponed to next week, 17 october ; There are some issues
regarding ext3, iscsi , SElinux, and more.
http://fedoranews.org/cms/node/1668http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Core/Schedule I hope that they will fix the annoying FC5 installation bug:
when you use the cd installer on a x86_64 machine with a SATA disk (maybe also
x86 ? I did not try) , in you press "Enter" to start the installation immediately
at the beginning, there is a kernel panic ! this does not occur in non sata
disks. It took me some scratching of head and googling to reveal what should be done:
simply enter gibrish instead "enter", it will give you an error message , and then
press "enter" ! clever and sophisticated . It was in linux-il mailing list
where I found this.
I am igor to see whether this bug is fixed in FC6.