SPN: Soul Song

Sep 09, 2011 20:51

Rating: G
Summary: The first time Castiel and Sam meet. [To be paired with this post.]

Castiel noticed first the sound of Sam's soul: the hollow gasp of air around an otherwise perfectly pitched melody. It was painful to hear - so obvious was its infection - and completely at odds with the eager protectiveness and surprisingly faithful visage that surrounded it. Sam Winchester’s fluster extended all the way to his fingertips, threading even through the presumptuous expectation in his open palm.

The act itself was one normally exchanged by equals, so taking the boy’s hand was interesting all on its own. This vessel limited so many things, while also providing him with many other experiences. The touch of his hand was not revealing of any particular information beyond the most obvious: Sam was of greater size and physical strength than Jimmy Novak and bore the roughness of a fighter on his skin. It was only upon peering into his eyes that Castiel could say with certainty that Sam had decided to cease using his psychic powers. He could only hope that the choice held.

Sam’s faith was encouraging. Though it was not Castiel’s place to do so, he couldn’t help supporting that faith in the only way he could - by covering and squeezing the hand that gripped his when his words unsettled Sam’s confidence. It was a shame that they were here on business. Castiel would have liked helping him build a more stable foundation for his belief, as it would undoubtedly be useful in the days to come, but there was little time. For now, he would have to trust that the Winchesters would, as always, fly true.

untransferred, fandom: supernatural, word count: less than 2000, pairing: castiel/sam, genre: gen/friendship, rating: g

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