Springtime Awesome

Apr 20, 2009 21:46

The Gods of Fucked Up Weather win a prize: a 30-degree drop from Saturday to today. The thunderstorm is fun now that I'm indoors with a full stomach and a cup of tea, but running under the waterfall that was gushing over the subway doors was less than pleasant (the Parkside stop is partially outside and the rain was just pouring over the train in sheets--it was pretty amusing to see the crowd hop through it squealing).

Brooklyn was sparkling and beautiful this weekend. Saturday I rode my bike (Sarah's middle-school bike dug out from my parents' garage) through Prospect Park to Park Slope (tried to drop it off at a bike shop for a tune-up but they were so full they couldn't take it), then back to the Botanic Garden to meet David and Caitlin. David's a member at the Garden so we ditched the long line and spent the day looking at plants and enjoying the sunshine. My first real outdoor day in a while, and it felt great. I'll have to go back when more of the trees are in bloom--it will be really stunning. I LOVE the park and plan to nap in the grass every week (barring downpour) if I can manage it.

We checked out the shop Saturday but weren't able to carry things back (with my bike, etc), so we returned Sunday and I bought 3 plants for the apartment. They are happy. I hope they live long, fulfilling lives.
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