ei rakkaus oo rikkautta rakkaampaa

Oct 06, 2008 15:48

päivi has officially died.
let's take a moment of silence in her loving memory.

so i bought a new mp3 -player today!
it is yet to be named, but i'll get there eventually.
now to figure out how the bugger works.

also, i almost got run over by a car.

also also, when i just came home, one of my neighbors greeted me cheerfully when he entered the door with me, and asked me how i was doing and chit chatter like that and then he asked if i wanna go see his kids some day.
um wat.
i don't even know who he is actually, i only remember one acquaintance with him and his kids some weeks ago, and even then he spoke to me like we had talked before. I HONESTLY DO NOT REMEMBER WHO THE HELL HE IS.
i wiggled my way out of the situation by admitting i don't like children.

wtf, materia

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