Eternity (translation, drabble)

Aug 09, 2011 22:27

Title: Eternity
Fandom: Doctor Who / Torchwood
Author: Nightingale (rrr_nightingale)
Pairing: Jack Harkness/others
Rating: PG
Genre: angst; drabble
Warning: not beta-ed, many disgusting mistakes!
Summary: Jack wants to feel something, but he cannot. (2 drabbles)
A/N: Set after the end of DW s04 and TW s03.
I tried to translate a couple of my drabbles to make it clear if I am up to translating a fic (if I decide to write it for one lovely challenge community one day :) )
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, no money gained

Jack wants to feel something, but he cannot.
Alonso is sleeping, his hair is ruffled, his breathing is even and deep in silence.
The dull light exposes unpretentious furniture of their room, and Jack feels sorry there is no window here. He wouldn’t mind staring into the infinite space. Ideas slowly replace one another in his head. It would be great to stop thinking at all.
Sex with the boy was pleasant, but it was simply instinct, feeling of happiness passed away too soon.
Everything Jack managed to create has been destroyed. Steven is dead. Ianto is dead. The Doctor he knew is probably dead too.
Jack wants to keep on hating himself, but it has gone too.
He has eternity.

He has eternity and he cannot run away.
This thought, simple and peremptory as a grave stone, ceases all Jack’s aspirations.
Going on is always the final option. But he feels how much has been left behind and will never come back, and even things that used to support him… everything is pointless.
He might happen to see the Doctor again.
He might. But there is so much guilt between them, so much disappointment and misunderstanding that Jack doubts, if meeting the Doctor would be for the good.
There is an abyss between them.
If they run into each other, it is not going to be like “lived happily ever after”. Even if they run into each other, a meeting would not last long, and then, afterwards… there will be a void.
And finally Jack feels lonely.


! fic in english, whoniverse, translation

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