so im kinda starting to not want to go to florida. ill miss you and you and you and you and him.
i got in drivers ed. yay?
arg. i can see me and my mom fighting the whole time we are in florida.
BUT im getting hamlin redsocks paraphaneleiaiaiaia while im there.
because hes the coolest kid in my bio class. and hes super sweet.
oooh i should get everyone a little somethin somethin.
yall are getting me everything while im gone
cause my bday isssss APRIL 2!
approxomentley 103,6800 seconds from now.
haha im a lameo.
give me a billion comments abouuuuuut ooooooooooh
your favorite memory of me.
so i can read and smile and cry when i leave u for a billion days.
it will be a party.
--our hotel. apparently its nice. it has a cool pool. where i will be the whole time.