i don't want to go to sleep. i want another night of road insomnia, let's go through with our plans and hop on that random bus to location unknown and see where we end up. we'll make them leave us at god knows where, and we can dance in the streets and spend a night under the stars singing good eighties music. it's happening. let's go.
i wanna wake up early, take the car on the interstate and just drive. there's something uniquely beautiful about central florida in the morning, once you've left the cities and descended onto the empty roads, the fabricated interstate, blowing by the fields of cows.
but you know what was more beautiful? the skyline of atlanta at three am. i love how i've morphed from an outdoors girl to a city girl in a few short years.
i don't want to go to school, i don't want to figure out what i'm going to do about my schedule next year. everytime someone brings it up, i struggle to change the subject. i hate the way my mind deals with such madness. if i don't think about it, it's not a problem.... i don't want to take ap spanish, really, but then again, i know i can take any class i want to, school is so easy, it's a struggle between my scholorly ego and my burning desire to just have fun.
let's just go back to summer, when the days started at 2 PM and the nights ended at 12, the final goodbyes, the never ending adventures. i'm surprised at how many people spent their summer watching television. i'm so glad i pressed the "power" button on my tv only once or twice.
let's go, let's escape and sing led zeppelin and be free. my dad's at the hospital, that's gonna be me, years and years of schooling and middle of the night hospital visits to whiney patients. another ten years of school, but it's all i can think of.
enough of this shit. i spent so much time staring off into space today, i can't gather my thoughts properly.
oh, and yasmeen sent me this awesome picture of laaapuuu and iiii:
why am i so many different colors?