Aug 08, 2004 00:46
My cellphone is gone. A random visit to Madeira Beach with my favorite of Clevelanders led to cuddling in the sand and a run on sandcastle destroying on the way back to the car. Perhaps during our destruction (how we adore destroying children's creations) of sand architecture, it fell out... but our search on the beach, calling it and trying in vain to hear the obnoxious "safety dance" ringtone, perhaps see the glowing green screen blink amoungst the piles of blowing sand, was futile. i am cellphoneless.
it's strange, as my cellphone was such a regular part of my daily life that i find myself getting into my car in checking to see if anyone's called, looking through my purse to make a call when I'm out... as obnoxious as it was to have the thing ringing all the time regardless of my location, it's a bit lonely without my text messages, my random calls.
moral? don't call my cell. it's gone.
my parents are pissing me off, as well. apparently, they're not as keen on the rsh kids, who've they previously praised, as i thought they were. tonight, after getting in trouble for taking the car out without permission, my mother gave me a speech full of blanks and attempts to blurt out her feelings and failing miserably. i was frustrated with the pauses, as i knew she wanted to say more, but she ended up telling me my father and herself thought they were a tad "rough" (this speech was particulary aimed at tyler), and my dad didn't want me hanging out with them, but they weren't going to stop anything. at one point, she mentioned "birds of a feather flocking together" - but never finished her thought - which is a dissapointment, as that's the bottom line - my parents pretend they're liberal, they're open, they love everyone, but they're quite discrimnating and social-status focused. they hate that their kids (well, kid, since andre doesn't hang with us nearly as much), a private school kid with good grades, is hanging out with a bunch of kids a poorer families who go to fucking public school. kids who don't dress so nice, prfer the jeans and band shirts. i'm sure my mother's worst fear is having a group of her uptight suburbanite plastic surgery disaster rich friends see me at the mall with the crew, us parading around with our obnoxious loudness, looking different. fuck that. how would that make HER look? i don't really give two shits, as i'd prefer to hang out with my hooligan crew over anyone.
whatever. i hate money. i hate it subjugating us. we met tyler's friend keir today - a rich kid who apparently never showed it. i hate how it has to get in the way, how as much as they never say anything because they know it bothers me, they think of my different because of the money. the three story house. the private schools. i'm happy with my lifestyle, but i hate the way how we live seperates us.