protesting the protesters! and a 50 DKP minus!

May 02, 2006 10:52

So, last night Jon and I went out to a nice dinner and then to go get groceries in protest of the "day without immigrants." I feel like I should be making my position clear about this issue:

1) I am not a racist. Mexicans, Hispanics, whites, blacks, mixed bloods, we're all equal. It may seem like im picking on mexicans. I'm not. I'm picking on illegal immigrants, most of which in Los Angeles happen to be Mexican.

2) my relatives and grandparents immgrated over here the hard way, the LEGAL way: they filled out the paper work, waited the necessary time and such. They left a country that was in turmoil and they left because things were so shitty in their own country that they felt america would give them and their family and future generations a better life.

2.b) when they got here, they made their children AND themselves learn English. They were american now, so they tried hard to blend in and put their ties into the american lifestyle. They never forgot that they left their country. Although they brought with them stories of Italy and Ireland and Poland and Germany and such, they NEVER had the illusion that the places they left were better then where they moved to to escape them.

3) all these illegal immigrants who hopped a fucking fence and are now saying "we have rights" - what the FUCK? rights?!! You have no American rights! Those rights are reserved for the immigrants who WORKED to get here. who maybe waited a whole year or TWO to get the paperwork and such filled out and registered before they made it here. Its those immigrants THOSE AMERICANS who you see working on May 1st. Who you see celebrating 4th of July, NOT cino de mayo (which has sadly become a bigger holiday than July 4th). Who the FUCK do you think you are to stand there and whine that you have no rights and cant get health care and cant get a licenses (so you just drive without one so that insurance payers get NAILED when your ass can't drive and hits innocent people) - you got here the 'easy' way, the cheater way. You give all the immigrants who worked their asses off to get here a bad name. You shame them.

4) AND YOU PAY NO FUCKING TAXES!!! who are you to bitch about not having enough programs and cheap health clinics provided by the government!?!? YOU PAY NO TAXES! You think yourself below the radar. You have no morals. No code of honor. No sense of DUTY to america, the country you WANTED to call home. The country you fled to because yours sucked! You came here the cheap and easy way - and you automaticlly expect your life in america to be cheap and easy. WHY SHOULD IT BE? Why should your life here be easier than everyone elses? Why should you be exempt from paying taxes? Why should you feel you have a say in american government. You cant vote. Voting is reserved for Americans who have a duty to this country. It is reserved for those who worked hard to get here in the first place, even when it meant waiting longer or working harder to get here in the first place.

5) put the mexican flag AWAY! how the hell can you even consider waving it. Obviously Mexico sucked so bad you felt you had to get the fuck out. So why do you glorify it?!! Thos boggles my mind! I just dont get it! I really don't. If america is your 'safe haven' aginst the shittyness that was your home country, why do you still carry its flag? I'm not saying to get rid of them, im just saying that you should be waving the american flag when you protest and that MAYBE just maybe the 4th of july should be the holiday you celebrate more than cinco de mayo (a purely mexico holiday).

6) if mexico is so fucking shitty, maybe you should have a revolution there to stand up for yourselves! America had to do it! What do you think the American Revolution was? oh, wait...i forgot. unlike LEGAL immigrants you dont have to have any knowledge of american history when you hop the fence and make a run to our cities or get a boat and row accross to our shores. You wouldnt know that Americans had to stand up for ourselves. That we were being opressed by England and got sick and tired of their shit and finally fought back. MAYBE YOU SHOULD FIGHT BACK! we know things suck there. we know your governemtn is corrupt. fight back! fight your goverment and overthrow it! The power is with the people and with numbers! Get your meixcan countrymen together and fight it! be strong enough to FIGHT not just flee.

7) I am an AMERICAN. When someone asks what nationality I am or what my ethnicity is, im AMERICAN. Not Italian-Irish-Polish AMerican. I'm just AMERICAN. If someone asks my ethnic BACKGROUND then i'll say im italian, polish, and irish. I dont get this "african american" (most of which havent had their relatives immigrate from africa) "asian american' and "mexican" thing. I dont. You're here, hopefully leggally! Youre AMERICAN. Start thinking of yourselves that way. AMERICAN.

I think im about done on my strong feelings about this illegal immigrants wanting rights and stuff. The only comments I have left to say is my opinion on what should be done about the issue.

I think that we should just let the current illegal immigrants stay. They are already here. There's kinda nothing we can do about it. We should let them jsut stay. Give them 5 years in which they have to regester with the governemtn to get their social security card and documentation and such. Get them to start paying taxes!! We need to REALLY stop people from border crossing to begin with. A wall if necessary. Whatever it takes. Also, make a 5 year and 10 year work visa more accessable. I also think there should be harsher punishments for those who employ illegal immigrants (including those who use them as housecleaners and mom's who use illegals to watch their kids) Those would make a great start. I dont claim to know how to fix the entire situation. I didnt go to school for that, but i do have some ideas. At least a place to start. I'm glad this issue is being brought up in our government. It's way passed time to get our leaders to start thinking about it and try and do something about it.


So, back to last night, after dinner we went to the grocery store and about half way through i started feeling sick. Which totally sucked.
So we only got half the groceries we needed.

AND i couldnt play WoW with will, which totally blew! Its was definitly and 50 DKP minus!!!! (you have to watch the video on my myspace profile page to get that psuedo joke) Hopefully we can play tonight ,though :)

oh yeah, i forgot to mention that their was no traffic yesterday! :D YAY! (so a day without illegal a day without traffic..interesting to see how many illegals are driving without a licenese and without insurance EVERY DAY)

alright, im done with my rant!

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