Part of my family is very conservative. I sent out an email message recently, updating everyone on Jack, and giving out our new and improved web site. At the bottom, I wrote: Vote Barack Obama and If you live in California, vote NO on Prop. 8. One of my aunts wrote back a response filled with inaccuracies about homosexual relationships, "partial birth abortion", and Barack Obama's support of abortion in general. I spent 3 hours writing the counter-arguments. I'm sure it won't impress them, but at least I tried. To make sure that the exercise was not for naught, I have decided to post the very long message here.
mollyxmollyx , I think you'll like it.
My response is so long that LiveJournal won't let me post it all at once.
OK people, here it is. I know that my spirituality is at odds with yours, which is why I try not to talk politics and theology. However, I think it is important for you to know that I have studied quite a bit, and my opinions are informed opinions, based on many sources, including the Bible. Jesus was inclusive. He didn't care if you were male or female, slave or free, Jew or Greek. If you accept the Catholic thinking on Mary Magdalene, then he also accepted prostitutes as his disciples. We know he accepted the "unclean" all the way up to Roman guards. Jesus was truly, a community organizer, with emphasis on the community.
Homosexuality is most likely biological. Evidence strongly indicates that it is not a choice, a complex combination of biology and environment causes people to be gay. Homosexuality isn't a psychological or physical disorder.
I am firm in my belief that Jesus would have welcomed GLBT disciples. If that upsets you, that's OK. It's OK to have different opinions. They make life more interesting.
My thought is that you know you're right and I know I'm right, so the couple of hours I took to research Aunt Terry's notes probably won't matter. But I learned a lot in doing it. I hope you have a chance to at least read through it. I don't expect you to change your minds. It's simply important to me that you understand that I won't change mine.
All posted!
Part Two Part Three