Pointless Quizes and Surveys are fun. WHEEE!!!

Jan 27, 2003 16:55

What's Your 90's Nickelodeon Show?

brought to you by Quizilla

Full Name: Robert Daniel Ryan
Birthday: June 27, 1986
Location: Tucson, Arizona
School/Mascot/Colors: Flowing Wells/Caballeros/Blue and Gold
Homeroom Teacher: Mrs. Acosta
Homeroom Number: 15
Zodiac Sign: Who gives a crap?
Shoe Size: 10
Height: 5'10" I think...
Pets: A gerbil
Siblings: Yup, two sisters and two brothers in law
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Grade: Junior
Hobbies: Comics, Books, Movies, Friends
Nicknames: Chico, Captain Crappy, Cheese Head, Bobaloo(Don't ask), Robbit, Derful, and Bobo
What languages do you speak? English, some Spanish, and Pig Latin
Do you play sports? Not on a team, but for fun sometimes
Where were you born? Tucson
Are you a night or a morning person? Night
Are you ticklish? Way too much so...

!Getting Personal!

What do you want to be when you grow up? Comic Book Artist or Actor
What was the worst day of your life? Probably when my parents got separated (they are back together now)
What is your most embarrassing story? I got stuck on a water slide called the Cannonball at Justin's Water World, my swim trunks got caught on a loose screw and gave me the biggest wedgie of my life...
What comes first in your life? God, Family, and Friends
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? A Major Crush
What are you most scared of? Drowning, Clowns and Being Completely Alone
If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? The back of my head of course...
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Wow, I'd better go to bed, it's getting late
Movie: Donnie Darko or Memento
Song: It depends on what mood I am in...
Band/Group/Singer: Chevelle
Store: Bookmans and R Galaxy
Relative: My sisters and my parents
Sport: Swimming, Soccer, and Basketball (even though I suck horribly at it)
Vacation Spot: Ohio
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Fruit: I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bannannas...
Candy: Those little candy hearts you can get around Valentine's Day and York Peppermint Patties
Car: 350 Z!!!
Class: Art
Holiday: Christmas
Day of the Week: Friday
Color: Blue
Magazine: Maxim and Rolling Stone
Name for a Girl: Kelsey and Caitlin
Name for a Boy: Ethan or Jacob

^In the Past 24 Hours have You^
Had a serious talk? Yes
Hugged someone? Yes
Fought with a friend? I don't know if I would call this person a friend...
Laughed? Of course
Made someone laugh? Yeah
Bought something? Nope
Cut your hair? Nope
Felt stupid? Every minute of my life...
Missed someone? Yup

?Have you Ever?
Done drugs? No
Eaten an entire box of oreos? Yes
Been dumped? Oh yes...
Had someone be unfaithful to you? Yes
Hiked a mountain? Yes
Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? Yeah, cause I wanted to draw
Been in love? I thought I was at the time...
Seen the White house? On tv
Seen the Eiffel tower? Once again, on tv
Tried smoking? No, gross
Drank alcohol? I tried a sip of Budwieser when I was like 6 and spit it out as soon as I tasted that nasty taste
Smoked marijuana? Nope
Played monopoly? Yeah
Seen Titanic? Unfortunately
Kissed someone? Yeah
French kissed someone? Yeah
Lost your virginity? Absolutely not
Jumped on a trampoline? Of course
Visited another country? I will this summer WHEN I GO TO EUROPE!!!
Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? Of course
Had a bubble bath? Yeah
Been on a plane? Yeah
Been on a boat? Yeah
Been on a train? Nope
Been in a car accident? Yeah, where I cracked the window with my head
Ridden an elephant? I can't say that I have...
Made a web page? No
Played with Barbies? yeah
Stayed up all night? Yeah
Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Who hasn't???
Broken a bone? My tailbone
Called a physchic or sex hotline? No
Watched Jerry Springer? For about 5 minutes
Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Not for at least two days...
Been afraid of the dark? Yeah
Been in the hospital(not visiting)? Yeah
Had stitches? Yeah
Dumped someone and regretted it? No
Went out with more than one person at a time? No, that's not cool
Lied? Yeah
Been arrested? Nope, thank God...
Fallen asleep in class? Yeah
Used food for something other than to eat? Yeah
Broken the law? Oh many a time, but nothing big...
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? Yeah
Hated yourself? Yeah
Been brokenhearted? Yeah
broken someone's heart? I hope not!

~Do You~
Like to give hugs? Yeah
Like to walk in the rain? Ooooooh Yeah
Sleep with or without clothes on? If boxers count, then with clothes
Prefer black or blue pens? Blue
Dress up on Halloween? Yeah
Have a job? Yeah
Like to travel? Yeah, I love Road Trips
Like someone?, Do they know? Yeah and Yeah
Sleep on your side, tummy or back? It depends...
Want to marry? When the time is right...
Have a goldfish? I had one named Goldy when I was about 7, but it died like 2 weeks after I got it...
Ever have the falling dream? Constantly
Have stuffed animals? Yeah, a stuffed clown that Nola made me, and a lamb that played Mary Had A Little Lamb that I got as an infant
Go on vacation? Yeah

&This or That&
Pierced nose or tongue? Heck No
Be serious or funny? Funny
Single or taken? Single, but hopefully not for too long!
Simple or Complicated? Complicated
Law or anarchy? Law, anarchists don't really know what they are supporting
MTV or VH1? VH1 I guess
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? 7th Heaven (Jessica Beil as well, Zack)
Sugar or salt? Sugar
Silver or gold? Silver
Tongue or belly button ring? None of the above
Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate, Flowers don't taste as good...
Angels or miracles? Angels
Color or Black-and-white photo? It depends on the photo
Sunrise or sunset? Either one is magnificent
M&M&'s or Skittles? Skittles
Stay up late or sleep in? Stay up
TV or radio? TV
Hot or cold? Hot
Tall members of the opposite sex or short? About the same size/A little bit shorter?
Sun or moon? Moon, cause you can look at it without going blind...
What time is it? 5:22 pm
Diamond or Ruby? Ruby
Left or Right? Right
10 acquaintances or 1 bestfriend? One best friend
Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
Kids or not? Kids, happy kids are cool
Cat or dog? Dog
Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
Spring or Fall? Spring
Rain or snow? Rain
Lace or satin? Who cares?
A year of hot sex or a lifetime or friendship? Lifetime Of Friendship after a year of hot sex? How about that one?
Happy or sad? Happy
Corduroy or plaid? Plaid
Wonder or amazement? Wonder
Sneakers or sandals? Sneakers
McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds
Blondes or Brunettes? It depends on the girl
Mexican or Italian food? Italian
Duct tape or scotch tape? Duct Tape of course!
Candy or soda? Soda
A house in the woods or the city? City
Pepsi or Coke? Coke

What do you look for in a girl? Attitude Towards life, Personality, Sense Of Humor, and Looks in that order
Describe your dream girl: A girl who doesn't demand every minute of my time, who doesn't expect me to put out all of the effort in the relationship, and her just reaping the benefits, preferrably looking like Chelly or Shakira
Long hair or short hair on a girl? Once again it depends on the girl
Strait or curly hair on a girl? See above answer
Best gift a girl could give? Kisses and Love
Favorite perfume on a girl? Stuff that smells like fruit
Would you go out with an older girl? Depends on how much older...5 years ir so: Sure, why not. 65 years or so:Heck NO
Girls with long or short nails? Short, especially real nails
Sweetest girl you know? Probably Kristen or Chelly

How many bathrooms are in your house? Two
How many TV's are in your house? Functioning:4, non functioning:2
How many phones are in your house? Two
How many tables are in your cafeteria? Heck If I know, I eat outside
How many beds are in your house? Three
How many couches are in your house? Two
What are you thinking about right now? When this survey is going to be over and when Chelly's parents are going to call me with an answer...
How many desks are in your Math class? I don't have a math class this year
Do you get a lot of math homework? not really, since I am not taking math and all...
What’s your all time favorite font? Marvel Script
What do you like better, lap tops or computers? Laptops
Spaghetti or Ziti? Spaghetti, what the heck is Ziti?
Macaroni w/cheeze or w/sauce? CHEESE!!!
Paintings or photos? Paintings
Basements or attics? Attics

Would you ever?
Kiss a teacher?: No
Makeout with an animal?: Gross!
Lick a stranger's arm you see on the street?: Depends on what they look like and how much you are paying me...
Pet someone on the street?: See above answer
Bungee jump?: Yeah, one day
Sky dive?: Yeah, one day
Drink sewer water?: No
How about for a million $$$?: Sure, I'd take a sip of it
Have you ever?
Kissed a member of the same sex?: My dad
Stripped?: In a sensual manner? No Been naked while changing clothes, taking a shower, or skinnydipping? Yes
Screamed for the sheer fun of screaming?: Oh yes
Thrown up on a plane?: Almost
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