It's been a good weekend. Yesterday there was a free Cake concert in downtown Boston. When my friend Amal told me it went something like this:
Amal: There's a free Cake concert in Boston tomorrow.
Me: A CAKE CONCERT!! When?!?
Amal: At five
Amal: It's free...I already said that, Robby.
Needless to say I flipped out in excitement and almost went streaking right then. The concert was pretty amazing. They did Short Skirt Long Jacket, Rock'n'roll Lifestyle, Sheep go to Heaven, Stickshifts and Bucket Seats, Frank Sinatra, Wheels, No Phone, Love You Madly, Mexico, Never There, and finished the encore with I Will Survive. It was pretty incredible. I crowd surfed and moshed a little, so that made things interesting (there were pictures taken of me crowd surfing, but I don't know how good they'll turn out....if you can make me out, I'll post them). I am just in awe, and now I a huge fan of their song Mexico. A band called Finch opened for Cake, and I can't say I'm a big fan of them.
Afterwards we went ate at the Quincy Marketplace...that was good. Then we went back to Tufts and watched Empire Records. Then we went out to dance at one of the frats (AE∏, if you were interested) where somebody I know was spinning the turn tables. I ran into Corinna Strong there and I was like whaaaaaaaaat. I guess she goes to BU. I just Facebooked her not more than a twenty seconds ago.
Now I am just going to do my Greek homework. The teacher assigned more homework than God, but he said we should only do as much as we can....what does that mean?!? Last class I did most of the reading but just got sick of it after a while. I ended up having to site read a passage to the wasn't pretty.
Do any of you Allendalites know if Matt Kepner joined the military? He is looking pretty militaried up in his facebook picture.
Mexico -