Dusty Fic

May 13, 2010 07:56

Setting up this account to show off some of my fandom writings for the lulz. I only wrote two for Watchmen, a little more than a year ago. Originally, I posted them anonymously in various kink memes or promotional boards but figured I'd share in some of the communities I watch on my less devious account. One is gen, one is a pairing porn. Hope you enjoy.

Title: Coasters NOT Optional
Fandom: Watchmen
Pairing: Gen. Involves Rorschach and Dan (Nite Owl II)
Rating: PG-13 (Language)
Warnings: Mention of vomit, nothing too big
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. I'm sure whoever has rights to them will hate me.
Summary: Daniel Dreiberg is a patient man and a good friend. Really.
AN: I wrote this originally for one of the many Watchmen kink memes at least a year ago. The prompt was "tickling", but I couldn't really do it as a serious piece. I don't know if the original requester enjoyed what I had to write, but I know a few of my anonymous /co/mrades did. I do have two known pieces of art for this fic, which is pretty much light-hearted boys-will-be-boys tomfoolery. I'll have to upload them later, though.

( Fake Cut)

Title: Freckles
Fandom: Watchmen
Pairing: Dan/Rorschach and Dan/Walter
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: BJ
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. I'm sure whoever has rights to them will hate me a lot.
Summary: Rorschach has freckles and Dan is a sentimental fool.
AN: I don't know if this was actually a prompt for the kink meme or just something I came up with, but freckles are something of a personal kink of mine, so I'm guessing that. It was written around the same time as the coasters one, so more than a year old, just archiving it. The bad porn starts now.

( Fake Cut)
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