Mod Post : Rules and Categories

Jun 28, 2010 10:49

Welcome, we made this community because we know that it can some times be difficult to keep track of all the prompts and fills over at the various memes. So we decided to make one, specific meme for our OTP, Rachel and Quinn. Where you don't have to scroll through hundreds of pages of other pairings looking for Rachel/Quinn fic. We just wanted a place that was easier to access, so yeah, here we are. I hope this ends up being worthwhile.

  • Please post prompts AND replies in their correct category. The whole point of this community is to keep things organised in order to find what you're looking for easily.
  • Please post responses to the correct request, if you make a mistake, go back and submit it again correctly.
  • If you have any issues with this community, or whatever, you can PM, but please don't spam us with complaints about other members.
  • This is a Rachel/Quinn community, and as such, prompts should be for that specific pairing. However, if you're into Q/R/B/S, Q/R/P or any other variation, there is a multiple partners section for that.
  • Any length of fic is welcome, whether it be spread across multiple comments, or one singular reply. We love it all. You may also link it back to your own journal.
  • If your prompt/fic contains spoilers, please make a clear note in the subject title. And by spoilers I mean key plot points pertaining to an episode that aired no more than 24 hours before your posting time. Give everyone a fair warning if they haven't had the chance to watch the episode yet. Please mark the subject line with: **Spoilers for (episode name or number)**
  • Again, please make sure you post in the correct category, I will be adding a quick definition of what should go where so we are all clear. But I'm sure most of you know how this works by now.
  • We can't be online every hour of every day, so if you see some legit abuse going on, please PM us.
  • If you continuously post in the wrong category, we reserve the right to delete your prompts and warn you.
  • We reserve the right to delete anything we find explicitly inappropriate.
  • Important! Please, if you have a specific rating in mind for your prompt, please state it clearly. The Kink/Porn category is there for prompts/fic that revolve around the sex and nothing more. If you request something in the Fluff category (or any of the others) you are requesting a fic that revolves around the plot. Thus, if you want sexy!times in that fic too, you're going to have to state that you'd prefer a rating of R or higher.
  • If you fill a prompt, please post the fic with the subject title "Filled" so it can be found easily.

Please remember that people put a lot of effort into filling your prompts, so try to fill some back. It's gonna be a long hiatus, and we need the fic to tide us over. Most importantly, have fun!

Also, if you see a prompt you would like to fill, but someone has already done so, write the story anyway! Seriously, the more fic the better, and it's always good to read other people's interpretations!


If you fill a prompt, and post it to your personal journal, we would really appreciate it if you could copy and paste the following code into the entry, as to further advertise the community. After all, the more people who prompt, the more fic we all get to read!" _fcksavedurl="">" _fcksavedurl="" />

No more searching through multiple comments across multiple prompt communities. We are a Rachel/Quinn specific prompt meme, containing categories for ALL genres of fanfiction, all in one place!

If you would like to affiliate with us, please drop us a PM or comment to this post :D


gleek23 and I will be trying to stay on top of the filled prompts at this community, archiving them all for easy reading. The archive can be found HERE.

Please, do not post prompts at the archive journal, nor feedback for the stories you read. Feedback should be left in the comment of the prompt (if the fill is anonymous) or at the author's journal).

!mod post, !list, !rules

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