Big MoFo of a Bunny.

Dec 24, 2007 23:32

This would be for the Jared/Jensen Shippers.

Just as I was falling asleep two nights ago, I had this idea, but I was too tired to write it down and figured that I would loose this bunny forever, but instead... I dreamt about it all night long! *glee* Yeah... you don't care.

Here's the bunny:

In a world that is a kind of a mix between Ancient Greece and Medieval England, a boy is part of the emperor's harem, forced to service anyone the emperor wants him too.
One day, he sees an escape and takes it, running blindly into the cold night, wearing nothing but his thin harem tunic.

The emperor's guards are dispatched and hunt the slave through the woods. One of the guards fall off his horse, and the slave manages to kill him and steal his clothes and horse without the other guards noticing. Disguised as an Emperor's Guard he rides through the night until the horse can run no further, and comes to a village/house where he (in character) demands food and shelter for the night.

He overhears that the son of the family that has taken him in has been selected to join the emperor's harem and is to be collected the following day. The slave decides that he can't let the boy meet that fate and takes him with him when he runs again.

The emperor does not take this defiance lightly and launches a manhunt to find the slave that defied him, and the toy he had been promised. Now the boys have to try to make it to the borders of the land, to find safety and freedom far away from anything they've ever known.

♥  I don't know why, but I imagined a Greece-like structure of power, but in a Medieval-England setting. As if the Greeks never left.

♥  I think Jensen the slave, simply because he's older.

♥  The younger boy (Jared) is a virgin, and uncommonly old to be selected for the harem. Jensen's been there since he was a young boy.

♥  The boys are in their late teens/early twenties.

I really hope this strikes someone's fancy, because I'd love to read it!

j2, fic request, au, rps

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