May 03, 2006 22:30
"Dont stay mad at your friends, because you never know"
I hope you all follow Tina's advice on that one.
Throughout all of this, if you dont learn from my mistakes
I want you guys to learn this one thing
Cherish everyone you love, like its their last day.
Tell them everyday how much you love them
ANd dont ever take anyone for granted.
All this lj drama that is going on, I just hope you guys arent all mad at each other.
You guys can do what you want, believe what you want to believe
But in the end, if you dont have friends and people you dont love with you
You have nothing.
Never forget the impact this had on you.
Never forget Tina and her beautiful smiles.
I know I cant/
Tina, you were my best friend.
My weekend crew member.
The person who made me laugh no matter what.
WHat am I going to do when I get parinoid now?
You always told me that things were going to be okay
BUt what if this isnt okay
I just pray you know im sorry for this
ANd that I wake up and think about you so much.
ANd that Im so hurt that this happened.
I just hope your happy.
I hope your in heaven dancing.
Please be happy.